Tooth Powder Recipe

In the quest for healthier living and a more sustainable lifestyle, it’s only natural to scrutinize the products we use daily, including those for oral care. Conventional toothpaste often contains a laundry list of synthetic ingredients, from artificial sweeteners to preservatives, which can leave us wondering about their long-term effects on our health and the environment. But fear not, as there’s a natural alternative that not only promotes dental health but also reduces our environmental footprint: homemade tooth powder.

Today, we’ll delve into a simple yet effective tooth powder recipe crafted from natural ingredients that you may already have in your pantry. This concoction combines the cleansing power of bentonite clay, the abrasiveness of baking soda, and the antimicrobial properties of spices like clove and cinnamon. Let’s dive into the recipe:

Homemade Tooth Powder



  1. Prepare Your Ingredients: Gather all the ingredients listed above. Ensure that your utensils and containers are clean and dry before you begin.
  2. Combine Dry Ingredients: In a mixing bowl, add the bentonite clay, baking soda, salt, ground cloves, and ground cinnamon. Use a whisk or spoon to thoroughly combine the dry ingredients. This ensures an even distribution of each component in the tooth powder, the mixture should have a uniform texture and color.
  3. Transfer to a Container: Once mixed, transfer the tooth powder into a clean, airtight container. A small jar or tin works well for storage.
  4. Usage Instructions: To use the tooth powder, simply wet your toothbrush, dip it into the powder, and brush your teeth as usual. Alternatively, you can sprinkle a small amount of powder onto a wet toothbrush. Brush your teeth gently for about two minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water.
Tooth Powder DIY

Why These Ingredients?

  • Bentonite Clay: Known for its detoxifying properties, bentonite clay helps remove toxins and impurities from the teeth and gums while providing essential minerals.
  • Baking Soda: This common household ingredient acts as a mild abrasive, aiding in the removal of plaque and surface stains without causing damage to tooth enamel. It is important to use an aluminum-free baking soda, I like the Bob’s Red Mill Brand.
  • Salt: Salt helps to cleanse and disinfect the mouth, while also providing a gentle abrasive action for thorough cleaning.
  • Ground Cloves: Cloves are renowned for their antibacterial and analgesic properties, which can help alleviate toothaches and combat oral bacteria.
  • Ground Cinnamon: Cinnamon not only adds a pleasant flavor to the tooth powder but also possesses antimicrobial properties that can help fight bacteria responsible for bad breath and tooth decay.

The Downside of Conventional Toothpaste:

Conventional toothpaste has long been a staple in our daily hygiene routines, promising to keep our smiles bright and our mouths healthy. However, a closer look at the ingredients list reveals a different story. Many commercial toothpaste brands contain a plethora of synthetic chemicals and additives, some of which have raised concerns about their potential health risks.

Artificial sweeteners like saccharin and aspartame are often added to toothpaste to improve taste, but studies have shown that they can disrupt the balance of bacteria in the mouth and may even contribute to insulin resistance and metabolic disorders. *not medical advice

Preservatives such as parabens and triclosan are another cause for concern. These chemicals have been linked to hormone disruption and antibiotic resistance, raising questions about their long-term safety, particularly with regular use over time.

How to Make Tooth Powder

The Costly Alternative:

While some consumers may opt for natural or organic toothpaste as a safer alternative to conventional brands, they often come with a hefty price tag. Store-bought natural toothpaste can be significantly more expensive than their conventional counterparts, making them inaccessible to many budget-conscious individuals and families.

Moreover, even “natural” toothpaste options may still contain questionable ingredients or rely on excessive packaging that contributes to environmental waste. For those seeking a truly eco-friendly and cost-effective solution, homemade tooth powder emerges as the clear winner.

Embracing the DIY Approach:

By crafting your tooth powder at home, you not only gain peace of mind knowing exactly what goes into your oral care products but also save money in the process. The ingredients required for homemade tooth powder are often readily available in bulk or at affordable prices, making them a sustainable and economical choice for conscientious consumers.

Furthermore, homemade tooth powder allows for customization to suit individual preferences and needs. Whether you prefer a stronger mint flavor or wish to incorporate additional herbal ingredients for added benefits, the possibilities are endless when you take control of your oral care regimen.


In a world inundated with chemical-laden products and steep price tags, homemade tooth powder offers a refreshing alternative that prioritizes health, sustainability, and affordability. By steering clear of toxic ingredients found in conventional toothpaste and sidestepping the high costs of store-bought natural alternatives, DIY enthusiasts can embrace a safer, more economical approach to oral hygiene.

So, why settle for less when you can create your tooth powder at home with simple, natural ingredients? Join the movement towards a cleaner, greener future, one brush at a time, and revel in the satisfaction of a radiant smile that comes from nourishing your body and the planet simultaneously.

Tooth Powder Recipe Pinterest

Tooth Powder Recipe


  • 2 Tbsp Bentonite Clay
  • 2 Tsp Baking Soda
  • 2 Tsp Salt
  • Tsp Ground Cloves
  • Tsp Ground Cinnamon


  • Prepare Your Ingredients: Gather all the ingredients listed above. Ensure that your utensils and containers are clean and dry before you begin.
  • Combine Dry Ingredients: In a mixing bowl, add the bentonite clay, baking soda, salt, ground cloves, and ground cinnamon. Use a whisk or spoon to thoroughly combine the dry ingredients. This ensures an even distribution of each component in the tooth powder, the mixture should have a uniform texture and color.
  • Transfer to a Container: Once mixed, transfer the tooth powder into a clean, airtight container. A small jar or tin works well for storage.
  • Usage Instructions: To use the tooth powder, simply wet your toothbrush, dip it into the powder, and brush your teeth as usual. Alternatively, you can sprinkle a small amount of powder onto a wet toothbrush. Brush your teeth gently for about two minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water.

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DIY Shower Steamers

As we move through the seasons of fall and winter, also known as “flu season”, most people will come down with some sort of cold or flu. What is one thing that makes everyone feel better when they’re sick? a hot steamy shower, of course! Making your own DIY shower steamers for congestion will help bring comfort and relaxation while fighting off your cold or flu.

Shower steamers can provide benefits to our bodies whether we are sick or not, simply depending on the herbs used in the homemade shower steamer. If you don’t have dried, or fresh, herbs on hand you can also make homemade shower steamers with essential oils.

DIY Shower Steamers with Lavender

How do you make a homemade shower steamer?

First, lets start with: What is a DIY shower steamer? These small tablets are similar to bath bombs but are designed to be placed in the bottom of your shower, where they dissolve and release fragrance into the steam.

Here’s what you’ll need to make your own shower steamers:

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  1. Begin by combining the baking soda and water in your mixing bowl. Stir until the mixture forms a thick paste.
  2. Add your essential oils or dried herbs to the mixture, stirring well to combine.
  3. Is using dried herbs, be sure to grind them in a coffee grinder or blender first as you do not want it to clog your shower drain.
  4. Spoon the mixture into your ice cube tray, silicone mold, or muffin tin. Fill each compartment about 3/4 of the way full. You can also use your hands to form the mixture into small rounds or other shapes if you don’t have a mold on hand.
  5. Place it in the freezer for at least 2 hours (or until the mixture is fully hardened).
  6. Once the DIY shower steamers are fully hardened, remove them from the mold and store them in an airtight container until you’re ready to use them.
  7. To use a shower steamer, simply place it on the floor of your shower (not in direct contact with the water) and let the steam do the rest! Enjoy the relaxing aroma and inhalation benefits as you shower.


  • It is important to use unscented epsom salt. Typically scented epsom salt has artificial fragrance which can be harmful to our health.
  • If you do not have epsom salt, you can replace it with sea salt in this recipe.
  • YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Essential oils might stain your fiberglass shower, which is why I use dried herbs.
DIY Shower Steamers with a mold

DIY Shower Steamers


  • Mixing Bowl
  • Measuring Spoons


  • 1 Cup Baking Soda
  • ½ Cup Epsom Salt
  • 1-2 Tbsp Dried Herbs or 20-30 Drops of Essential Oils
  • 2-3 Tsp Infused Herbal Tea or Water


  • Begin by combining the baking soda and water in your mixing bowl. Stir until the mixture forms a thick paste.
  • Add your essential oils or dried herbs to the mixture, stirring well to combine.
  • Is using dried herbs, be sure to grind them in a coffee grinder or blender first as you do not want it to clog your shower drain.
  • Spoon the mixture into your ice cube tray, silicone mold, or muffin tin. Fill each compartment about 3/4 of the way full. You can also use your hands to form the mixture into small rounds or other shapes if you don’t have a mold on hand.
  • Place it in the freezer for at least 2 hours (or until the mixture is fully hardened).
  • Once the DIY shower steamers are fully hardened, remove them from the mold and store them in an airtight container until you’re ready to use them.
  • To use a shower steamer, simply place it on the floor of your shower (not in direct contact with the water) and let the steam do the rest! Enjoy the relaxing aroma and inhalation benefits as you shower.


  • It is important to use unscented epsom salt. Typically scented epsom salt has artifical fragrance which can be harmful to our health.
  • If you do not have epsom salt, you can replace it with sea salt in this recipe.
  • YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Essential oils might stain your fiberglass shower, which is why I use dried herbs.

Best DIY Shower Steamers with Herbs

Making sure your DIY Shower Steamers are the right texture is important.

DIY shower steamers offer a range of benefits beyond simply pleasing your sense of smell. The heat and steam from your shower help to release the fragrance into the air, creating a spa-like shower experience. Furthermore, inhaling the aromas can have various effects on your mood and well-being.

When it comes to the aromatherapy of your DIY shower steamers there are various options you can choose to use. I personally suggest, and prefer, to use dried herbs for many reasons. Essential oils can often times stain fiberglass showers (I learned this the hard way!). Although essential oils will provide more fragrance than dried herbs due to it being more concentrated, there are still many benefits to using the herb itself.

If you want to intensify the fragrance when using dried herbs, you can make a tea with water and the herb to use in place of plain water in this recipe.

Herbal Shower Steamers

If you are looking to relieve congestion during a cold with these DIY shower steamers, try using dried eucalyptus and peppermint in your recipe. These both contain strong scents that can help clear your nasal passage when used in combination with a hot shower.

If you are looking to relax at the end of a long day, try adding dried lavender and rose petals to your herbal shower steamers.

Best DIY Shower Steamers with Essential Oils

Homemade Shower Steamers with simple ingredients

You might not be concerned about essential oils staining your fiberglass shower, or maybe you don’t have a fiberglass shower at all. Either way, if you choose to use essential oils in your DIY shower steamers rather than herbs, here are some great tips.

Similar to using dried herbs, lavender essential oil is well-known for its calming properties and can help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. Adding a lavender shower steamer to your routine can be a wonderful way to unwind after a long day. On the other hand, if you’re looking for an energizing boost, consider using a combination of peppermint and eucalyptus essential oils. These invigorating scents can help clear your sinuses and revive your senses.

The best thing about DIY shower steamers is that you have complete control over the ingredients and scents you use. You can experiment with different essential oil combinations and find the perfect blend that suits your preferences and needs. Furthermore, making your own shower steamers allows you to avoid any potentially harmful ingredients that may be present in store-bought alternatives.

Once you’ve mastered the basic shower steamer recipe, feel free to get creative! You can add flower petals or even natural coloring agents to your mixture for an extra touch of beauty and customization. Just be careful to choose ingredients that will safely dissolve in water and won’t pose a hazard in your shower.

With just a few simple ingredients and minimal prep time, DIY shower steamers are a quick and easy way to elevate your shower routine and experience the aromatherapy benefits of dried herbs or essential oils. Give it a try and see for yourself! Your shower will be transformed into a soothing oasis, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Check out these other DIY recipes!

Detox Bath Recipe

Eczema Relief Cream with Red Clover

Charcoal Face Mask DIY

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Detox Bath Recipe

Making your own detox bath recipe is a great way to remove toxins from the body. Unfortunately, the world we live in is full of toxins. Although we might not think about it too often, there are tons of toxins in our life every day. To give a few examples, are you wearing polyester or other synthetic clothing? According to this study, polyester has been linked to infertility due to the toxic chemicals in the material.

Detox Bath Recipe

Do I Need to Detox?

Our clothing is only one small factor that contributes to toxins in our life. Is your house connected to the city’s tap water? You can go to this website, type in your zip code, and see the literally hundreds of chemicals in your water. Unless you’re using a high-quality water filter, we use this one in our house, you are ingesting these toxic chemicals in your water.

Needless to say, most of us need to detox every now and then considering how many toxins we are exposed to. It is important to note, not everyone is a good candidate for detoxing despite being exposed to chemicals. Pregnant and breastfeeding women as well as young children should not detox.

Best Detox Bath Recipe to Remove Toxins

Detox Bath with Bentonite Clay


Oatmeal Bath Benefits

The main and most well-known benefit of adding oatmeal to your bath, or in this case to your detox bath recipe, is that oatmeal is very moisturizing. Do you know how babies have the softest skin? That’s what it feels like to get out of an oatmeal bath. Oatmeal baths can also be soothing if you have a skin irritation such as eczema or psoriasis.

Detox Bath Recipe with Bentonite Clay

Bentonite clay is volcanic ash that has become compressed over time. It has a naturally high colloidal value. Bentonite clay works to detox in a unique way as it slowly draws out the toxins in your skin as you soak in a detox bath. You’ll notice this recipe only calls for two teaspoons of bentonite clay. That is because there can be a risk of over-detoxifying your body, which would essentially make you feel worse than before.

Coriander Oil for Detox

Coriander essential oil is derived from the cilantro plant. When cilantro goes to seed, it becomes coriander. Cilantro has many detoxifying benefits, mainly to detox heavy metals in the body. Most tap water contains heavy metals and if you’re not using a high-quality water filter, you are directly drinking heavy metals every day.

DIY Detox Bath

How to Make a Detox Bath

Ingredients Needed:

1/2 Cup Oatmeal

2 Teaspoons Bentonite Clay

5-7 Drops Coriander Essential Oil


  1. Blend oats into a powder, it does not need to be very fine.
  2. Combine all ingredients; blended oats, bentonite clay, and coriander essential oil.
  3. Start a warm/hot bath and add 1/4 cup of your detox bath recipe to the water. Stir it around until mostly dissolved.


  • The finer you blend the oats the less mess that will be left in your bathtub once you’re done bathing in the detox bath.
  • This recipe only makes 1 detox bath, feel free to double or triple the recipe if you want to keep it on hand for the future.
  • I do not recommend using this if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or a small child.

Watch the YouTube Tutorial Here!
How to Make a Detox Bath | Detox Bath Recipe

Check Out My Other Posts:

4 Must-Have DIY Skincare Recipes for Spring

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Eczema Relief Cream with Red Clover

Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Its symptoms, including itching, redness, and dryness, can be extremely uncomfortable and have a significant impact on a person’s quality of life. While conventional treatments exist, an increasing number of individuals are turning to natural remedies, like red clover, to find relief from eczema symptoms. In this blog post, we delve into the benefits of using red clover as an eczema relief cream.

Understanding Eczema

Eczema is a complex and multifactorial condition that affects the skin’s barrier function, leading to dryness, itching, and inflammation. The cause of eczema is not yet fully understood, but it is believed to involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Triggers for eczema flare-ups can include allergens, irritants, stress, changes in temperature, and certain foods.

Conventional treatments for eczema often involve the use of topical corticosteroids, emollients, and antihistamines. While these treatments can provide relief, some individuals prefer to explore natural alternatives due to concerns about long-term use of medications.

Exploring Red Clover as an Eczema Relief Cream

Anti-inflammatory Effects of Red Clover

Red clover (Trifolium pratense) is an herbaceous flowering plant that belongs to the legume family. It has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for its various health benefits. Apart from being a rich source of essential vitamins and minerals, red clover also contains phytoestrogens and isoflavones, which are known for their anti-inflammatory properties.

Inflammation plays a pivotal role in eczema, as it contributes to the characteristic redness, swelling, and itching. Studies have shown that red clover extracts can inhibit the activity of certain inflammatory molecules, potentially reducing the inflammatory response in eczema-affected skin.

Moisturizing and Soothing Properties
One of the key features of eczema is excessive dryness and skin barrier dysfunction. Red clover extracts, when used topically as a cream, provide deep hydration to the skin, replenishing the lost moisture and alleviating dryness. This moisturizing effect helps soothe the skin and improve its overall appearance.

Promoting Wound Healing
Individuals with eczema are more prone to skin wounds and infections due to persistent scratching and weakened skin barrier. Red clover has been shown to promote faster wound healing by stimulating the proliferation of skin cells and enhancing collagen synthesis. This can aid in the repair of damaged eczema-prone skin and reduce the risk of secondary infections.

Antioxidant Benefits
Eczema is often associated with oxidative stress and increased free radical activity, which can further damage the skin and perpetuate inflammation. Red clover, with its antioxidant properties, helps neutralize free radicals and protect the skin from oxidative damage. This antioxidant activity can aid in reducing the severity and duration of eczema flare-ups.

Making Your Own Red Clover Eczema Relief Cream



  1. Start melting the Shea Butter on a double boiler.
  2. While that is melting, grind the dried flowers with a Mortar + Pestle until they are a fine powder.
  3. When the Shea Butter has melted, take it off the heat and pour it into a bowl along with the dried flowers.
  4. Add Vitamin E Oil to the mixture and stir until combined. Transfer salve into a container of your choosing, I like these.
  5. Allow the salve to set at room temperature for a few hours until it has completely cooled.
  6. Use a dime size amount on problem areas as needed.

Eczema Relief Cream with Red Clover


  • 1 Small Jar + Lid see notes
  • 1 Mortar + Pestle see notes



  • Start melting the Shea Butter on a double boiler.
  • While that is melting, grind the dried flowers with a Mortar + Pestle until they are a fine powder.
  • When the Shea Butter has melted, take it off the heat and pour it into a bowl along with the dried flowers.
  • Add Vitamin E Oil to the mixture and stir until combined. Transfer salve into a container of your choosing, I like these.
  • Allow the salve to set at room temperature for a few hours until it has completely cooled.
  • Use a dime size amount on problem areas as needed.



While red clover offers potential relief from eczema symptoms, it’s essential to remember that everyone’s skin is unique. What works for one person may not work for another. If you have severe eczema or are unsure about trying natural remedies, it is advised to consult a dermatologist or healthcare professional.

In conclusion, red clover, with its anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, wound-healing, and antioxidant properties, can provide effective relief for those suffering from eczema. By harnessing the power of nature, we can find natural solutions to improve our overall well-being. Give red clover eczema relief cream a try and experience the benefits for yourself!

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Watch it on YouTube!
Eczema Relief Cream YouTube Tutorial

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Easy Homemade Shaving Cream Recipe

Shaving cream is a great product to keep in the shower, for men and women. Unfortunately, in my experience, many shaving creams leave my skin feeling dry. There are also a lot of ingredients in conventional shaving cream that I can’t pronounce, which usually means they aren’t good for my skin. This homemade shaving cream is easy to make, only requires a few ingredients, and leaves your skin feeling soft. 

Ingredients for Homemade Shaving Cream

This recipe is a DIY shaving cream with baking soda, If your skin is sensitive to baking soda, feel free to leave that ingredient out. If you choose to omit the baking soda, the mixture will feel more like a lotion or body butter. The homemade shaving cream will work the same, the texture will just be different.

Homemade Shaving Cream Recipe

Why Make Your Own Shaving Cream?

Most store-bought shaving creams have some less-than-ideal ingredients. With our skin being the largest organ, we must pay attention to what is being absorbed into our bodies. Many skin care products contain ingredients you can’t pronounce, and unfortunately, a lot of these ingredients can be hormone disruptors.

How to Use DIY Shaving Cream?

Apply a small amount of homemade shaving cream to the area you plan on shaving, gently rubbing the shaving cream in. Shave as normal, rinse with body wash. If you are sensitive to baking soda in your deodorant, it is best to omit the baking soda in this recipe. If you do not react to baking soda in your deodorant (most of them have it), then this homemade shaving cream recipe is safe to use anywhere on the body. 

Since this shaving cream has two different types of oils, coconut oil, and sweet almond oil, it can leave your skin feeling oily. The simple fix to getting rid of an oily feeling on your skin is to wash with soap after using your homemade shaving cream. I have a Green Tea Soap Bar Recipe you can check out that makes a great soapy body wash. 

Homemade Shaving Cream Recipe

Shaving Cream with Shea Butter

Shea butter is one of my favorite ingredients to use in homemade skincare products. The texture of shea butter is in the name, it feels like butter. Shea butter is also moisturizing the skin which is a benefit of using it in your homemade shaving cream. Another benefit to using shea butter in any recipe you plan on whipping, shea butter whips up beautifully. 

Shaving Cream with Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is very beneficial when used on the skin. DIY shaving cream with coconut oil is moisturizing, soothing on the skin, and leaves your skin feeling soft.

If you want to learn more about the benefits of coconut oil for skin, check out this article.

Sweet Almond Oil for Skin

Almond oil is a great addition to homemade shaving cream. There are so many benefits to using sweet almond oil on your skin. One great benefit of almond oil is it moisturizes the skin, leaving it feeling soft and rejuvenated.

Sweet almond oil is known for calming skin irritation. If you deal with general skin irritation or even a more complicated form of skin irritation like psoriasis or eczema, almond oil can be beneficial to reduce redness and itching.

Baking Soda in Shaving Cream

Baking soda, typically not thought of as a beneficial ingredient for the skin, does have some benefits when used in a DIY shaving cream recipe. The main benefit of adding baking soda to shaving cream, besides the texture it gives, is the ability to help reduce skin irritation. Baking soda is particularly great for rashes, such as eczema or psoriasis.

Essential Oils in Homemade Shaving Cream for Women

Essential Oils in Men’s Shaving Cream

  • Balsam Fir
  • Peppermint
  • Eucalyptus
  • Cedarwood

How to store homemade shaving cream

The best method of storing homemade skincare products is to use a glass container. I always prefer small mason jars because of the wide mouth, making them easily accessible in the jar. 

Store a glass container with the homemade shaving cream recipe in your shower, with a lid on, for 1 month. Due to this being a DIY shaving cream without chemicals, the natural ingredients tend to age over time much faster than any store-bought shaving cream which contains preservatives. 

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Homemade Shaving Cream Recipe

How to Make Homemade Shaving Cream


  • 1.5 Teaspoons Baking Soda
  • 20-30 Drops Essential Oils, I use this one.


  1. Begin by setting up a double boiler. This is a pot of water, filled 1/4-1/3 of the way up and brought to a boil on the stove. Once boiling, add a heat-safe bowl on top of the pot.
  2. When the double boiler is ready to go, add your shea butter and coconut oil to the bowl. Stirring often, allow these two ingredients to melt completely.
  3. Once the shea butter and coconut oil have melted, turn off the heat.
  4. With the heat off, add in your remaining ingredients and mix.
  5. Allow the bowl to cool slight before setting in the freezer (a hot bowl in the freezer will shatter). You just want the mixture to be cool enough to touch, but not solid. 
  6. Add the mixture into a stand mixer with a whisk attachment or use a hand mixer to whip up the homemade shaving cream. 
  7. Transfer the DIY shaving cream into a glass container of your choice, I like these ones the best.
  8. Store with the lid on, in your shower, for 1 month. 

Watch the video tutorial for this easy homemade shaving cream recipe!
Easy Homemade Shaving Cream Recipe Video Tutorial

Easy Homemade Shaving Cream Recipe



  • Begin by setting up a double boiler. This is a pot of water, filled 1/4-1/3 of the way up and brought to a boil on the stove. Once boiling, add a heat-safe bowl on top of the pot.
  • When the double boiler is ready to go, add your shea butter and coconut oil to the bowl. Stirring often, allow these two ingredients to melt completely.
  • Once the shea butter and coconut oil have melted, turn off the heat.
  • With the heat off, add in your remaining ingredients and mix.
  • Allow the bowl to cool slight before setting in the freezer (a hot bowl in the freezer will shatter). You just want the mixture to be cool enough to touch, but not solid.
  • Add the mixture into a stand mixer with a whisk attachment or use a hand mixer to whip up the homemade shaving cream.
  • Transfer the DIY shaving cream into a glass container of your choice, I like these ones the best.
  • Store with the lid on, in your shower, for 1 month.

Check out these other recipes!

Green Tea Soap Bar Recipe

DIY Bug Repellent Lotion

How to Make Face Serum with SPF

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10 DIY Self-Care Products You Can Make at Home

Self-care is usually something we all need, but don’t get enough of. As a mother of many, self-care is a rare activity I get to do. However, when I do get the occasional opportunity to indulge in some alone time, any one of these 10 DIY self-care products is my go-to. From a relaxing bath to taking a shower with my homemade shampoo bar and one of the sugar scrub recipes, self-care is never boring, that’s for sure!

10 DIY Self-Care Products

In This Article:

Self-Care: Bath Time

  • Lavender Rose Bath Soak Recipe
  • Herbal Bath Bombs

Self-Care: Shower Products

  • Brown Sugar + Vanilla Body Scrub
  • Green Tea Soap Bar Recipe
  • Homemade Shampoo Bar
  • Coconut Milk Conditioner

Self-Care: Skincare

  • Face Toner for Glowing Skin
  • Anti-Aging Eye Cream
  • Charcoal Face Mask

Self-Care: Bath Time

Lavender Rose Bath Soak Recipe

Self-care: Lavender Rose Bath Soak Recipe


  • Mixing Bowl
  • Measuring Cups
  • Spoon



  • Add the Epsom salt to a clean bowl
  • Add the sweet almond oil + essential oils
  • Mix the Epsom salt and oils until the Epsom salt has been covered in oil
  • Grind the dried flowers in a mortar and pestle until they become fine, you do not want any chunks. 
  • If using dried flowers, add those in and mix.


  • If you do not want dried roses in your bath you could simply take those out of the recipe and substitute another 5 drops of rose essential oil.

Lavender Rose Bath Salt Recipe


  • Mixing Bowl
  • Measuring Cups
  • Spoon



  • Add the Epsom salt to a clean bowl
  • Add the sweet almond oil + essential oils
  • Mix the Epsom salt and oils until the Epsom salt has been covered in oil
  • Grind the dried flowers in a mortar and pestle until they become fine, you do not want any chunks.
  • If using dried flowers, add those in and mix.


  • If you do not want dried roses in your bath you could simply take those out of the recipe and substitute another 5 drops of rose essential oil.

Herbal Bath Bombs

Self-care: Herbal Bath Bombs



  • Add the dry ingredients (Baking Soda, Cornstarch, Epsom Salt, Citric Acid, and Dried Herbs) to a large mixing bowl.
  • Next, add the wet ingredients (Almond Oil, Essential Oils, Water).
  • Mix until you can squeeze the mixture in your hand without it crumbling, similar to the texture of sand.
  • Once the mixture has reached the right texture, pack it into the molds. I used silicone cupcake liners because it is what I already have on hand. If you want to use real bath bomb molds to make a sphere, check these out 
  • Pack the mixture tightly into the mold, being sure not to overfill the molds as the mixture will get larger as it sits. 
  • Let the herbal bath bombs sit out at room temperature for at least 12 hours. The bath bombs should be completely dry once they have been set. 
  • When the herbal bath bombs are dry, take them out of the molds and store them in a container. Use as often as you please! 


You can watch the video tutorial for these herbal bath bombs right here to see what the proper consistency is.


Herbal Bath Bombs



  • Add the dry ingredients (Baking Soda, Cornstarch, Epsom Salt, Citric Acid, and Dried Herbs) to a large mixing bowl.
  • Next, add the wet ingredients (Almond Oil, Essential Oils, Water).
  • Mix until you can squeeze the mixture in your hand without it crumbling, similar to the texture of sand.
  • Once the mixture has reached the right texture, pack it into the molds. I used silicone cupcake liners because it is what I already have on hand. If you want to use real bath bomb molds to make a sphere, check these out 
  • Pack the mixture tightly into the mold, being sure not to overfill the molds as the mixture will get larger as it sits. 
  • Let the herbal bath bombs sit out at room temperature for at least 12 hours. The bath bombs should be completely dry once they have been set. 
  • When the herbal bath bombs are dry, take them out of the molds and store them in a container. Use as often as you please! 

Self-Care: Shower Products

Brown Sugar + Vanilla Body Scrub

Self-care: Brown Sugar and Vanilla Body Scrub

What You Need:


Add all of the ingredients to a bowl.

Mix until sugar and oil are completely combined.


Rose Sugar Scrub



  • Add all of the ingredients to a bowl.
  • Mix until sugar and oil are completely combined.

Rose Sugar Scrub

Self-care: Rose Sugar Scrub



  • Add all of the ingredients to a bowl.
  • Mix until sugar and oil are completely combined.

Rose Sugar Scrub



  • Add all of the ingredients to a bowl.
  • Mix until sugar and oil are completely combined.

Green Tea Soap Bar Recipe

Self-care: Green Tea Soap Bar Recipe




  • Set up a double boiler by boiling 1 cup of water in a pot with a glass, heat-safe, bowl on top. 
  • Cut melt + pour soap base into approximately 1-inch cubes.
  • Add soap base into the glass bowl and begin to stir until soap has melted.
  • Once melted, turn off the heat, and add the remaining ingredients (vitamin E oil, green tea packet, dye, and essential oil). Mix in thoroughly.
  • Immediately pour soap mix into molds. I use these simple silicone soap bar molds.
  • Allow sitting for 4 hours until the bar has completely set. 


  • This green tea soap bar recipe can be used on the face or body. When choosing an essential oil it is best to consider which purpose the soap bar will be used for. For example, using the Anti Age essential oil blend for a body soap bar would be fine, but the benefits of the essential oil would be better reaped if used in a face soap bar. 
  • If you do not use a dye in the soap, it will turn brown when it is dry. There is nothing wrong with the soap, it is a normal process.

Green Tea Soap Bar Recipe


  • 1 Silicone Soap Bar Molds


  • Set up a double boiler by boiling 1 cup of water in a pot with a glass, heat-safe, bowl on top. 
  • Cut melt + pour soap base into approximately 1-inch cubes.
  • Add soap base into the glass bowl and begin to stir until soap has melted.
  • Once melted, turn off the heat, and add the remaining ingredients (vitamin E oil, green tea packet, dye, and essential oil). Mix in thoroughly.
  • Immediately pour soap mix into molds. I use these simple silicone soap bar molds.
  • Allow sitting for 4 hours until the bar has completely set. 


  • This green tea soap bar recipe can be used on the face or body. When choosing an essential oil it is best to consider which purpose the soap bar will be used for. For example, using the Anti Age essential oil blend for a body soap bar would be fine, but the benefits of the essential oil would be better reaped if used in a face soap bar. 
  • If you do not use a dye in the soap, it will turn brown when it is dry. There is nothing wrong with the soap, it is a normal process.

Homemade Shampoo Bar

Self-care: Homemade Shampoo Bar


  • Pot
  • Glass Bowl
  • Wooden Spoon or Rubber Spatula
  • Silicone Molds



  • Start by creating a double boiler, this is a pot of water boiling on the stove (not too much water, I use about 2 cups), with a glass bowl set on top of the pot. 
  • Add your beeswax and shea butter to the glass bowl, using a wooden spoon or rubber spatula, mix every few minutes to ensure these ingredients are melting. 
  • Once the beeswax and shea butter are completely melted, turn off the heat.
  • Add the vitamin E oil, unscented liquid Castile soap, and essential oils while the glass bowl is still on top of the pot with the stove turned off.  The Castile soap will instantly turn into a solid, just stir it vigorously until it melts and mixes in with the other ingredients. 
  • Working quickly, take a small measuring cup and pour the mixture into your molds. I used these silicone cupcake liners, filling them 1/3 of the way up, but you can also use this soap bar mold.
  • Once the mixture is in the molds you will notice it immediately starts to firm up. Allow the bars to cool for at least 1-2 hours to ensure they are completely set.
  • When set, they are ready to use. See notes for how to store the extra homemade shampoo bars.


This recipe makes 6 shampoo bars for me, I typically take 1 bar to my shower and leave the rest in plastic bags in the freezer. When I need another one I will simply take it out of the freezer and begin using it immediately.

You could easily double this recipe to make a large batch that will last a while.

If using a different mold than what I used, you will get a different number of shampoo bars in the end, whether that is more or less.


Homemade Shampoo Bar Recipe with Beeswax


  • Pot
  • Glass Bowl
  • Wooden Spoon or Rubber Spatula
  • Silicone Molds


  • Start by creating a double boiler, this is a pot of water boiling on the stove (not too much water, I use about 2 cups), with a glass bowl set on top of the pot. 
  • Add your beeswax and shea butter to the glass bowl, using a wooden spoon or rubber spatula, mix every few minutes to ensure these ingredients are melting. 
  • Once the beeswax and shea butter are completely melted, turn off the heat.
  • Add the vitamin E oil, unscented liquid Castile soap, and essential oils while the glass bowl is still on top of the pot with the stove turned off.  The Castile soap will instantly turn into a solid, just stir it vigorously until it melts and mixes in with the other ingredients. 
  • Working quickly, take a small measuring cup and pour the mixture into your molds. I used these silicone cupcake liners, filling them 1/3 of the way up, but you can also use this soap bar mold.
  • Once the mixture is in the molds you will notice it immediately starts to firm up. Allow the bars to cool for at least 1-2 hours to ensure they are completely set.
  • When set, they are ready to use. See notes for how to store the extra homemade shampoo bars.


This recipe makes 6 shampoo bars for me, I typically take 1 bar to my shower and leave the rest in plastic bags in the freezer. When I need another one I will simply take it out of the freezer and begin using it immediately.
You could easily double this recipe to make a large batch that will last a while.
If using a different mold than what I used, you will get a different number of shampoo bars in the end, whether that is more or less.

Coconut Milk Conditioner

Self-care: Coconut Milk Conditioner


  • Mixing Bowl
  • Whisk
  • Measuring Cups/Spoons


  • 1 Can Full Fat Coconut Milk
  • ¼ Cup Liquid Unscented Castile Soap
  • 1 Teaspoon Sweet Almond Oil
  • 20 Drops Essential Oils


  • If your can of coconut milk is in the fridge, take it out and allow it to come to room temperature. Once at room temperature, shake your can of coconut milk really well to ensure it is somewhat mixed.
  • Add the entire can of coconut milk to a mixing bowl along with the rest of the ingredients.
  • Once all ingredients have been added to the bowl, whisk vigorously until everything is mixed together and there are no clumps of coconut milk.
  • Pour this into a container and set it in your shower. This will last 1-2 months in the shower, just make sure to check periodically to make sure there is no mold since coconut milk is technically a food product. 


  • It is important to use full-fat coconut milk in order to get a thick conditioner. If you were to use regular coconut milk that comes in a half-gallon contained at the store the mixture will be pure liquid and nearly impossible to use. 
  • I prefer sweet almond oil due to its benefits for hair however there are many other oils that can be used in place of this. A few great oils for hair are argan oil and jojoba oil.

Coconut Milk Conditioner Recipe


  • Mixing Bowl
  • Whisk
  • Measuring Cups/Spoons


  • 1 Can Full Fat Coconut Milk
  • ¼ Cup Liquid Unscented Castile Soap
  • 1 Teaspoon Sweet Almond Oil
  • 20 Drops Essential Oils


  • If your can of coconut milk is in the fridge, take it out and allow it to come to room temperature. Once at room temperature, shake your can of coconut milk really well to ensure it is somewhat mixed.
  • Add the entire can of coconut milk to a mixing bowl along with the rest of the ingredients.
  • Once all ingredients have been added to the bowl, whisk vigorously until everything is mixed together and there are no clumps of coconut milk.
  • Pour this into a container and set it in your shower. This will last 1-2 months in the shower, just make sure to check periodically to make sure there is no mold since coconut milk is technically a food product. 


  • It is important to use full-fat coconut milk in order to get a thick conditioner. If you were to use regular coconut milk that comes in a half-gallon contained at the store the mixture will be pure liquid and nearly impossible to use. 
  • I prefer sweet almond oil due to its benefits for hair however there are many other oils that can be used in place of this. A few great oils for hair are argan oil and jojoba oil.

Self-Care: Skincare

Face Toner for Glowing Skin

Self-care: Face Toner for Glowing Skin


  • Mixing Bowl
  • Spoon
  • Small Spray Bottle


  • 1 Cup Green Tea (See Notes)
  • 1 Tablespoon Pure Aloe Vera (See Notes)
  • 3 Drops Vitamin E Oil
  • 2 Drops Soft Skin Essential Oil (See Notes)


  • Start by brewing a bag of green tea, I used matcha green tea because that is what I had on hand but any green tea will work. Once your cup of tea is done, allow it to cool completely before starting the rest of the process.
  • When the cup of tea is cooled, add all of the remaining ingredients into a jar or bowl and mix. 
  • With everything mixed, add it into a spray bottle (I like these ones).


  • If you have the powdered bright green matcha tea, not in bags, it might change the outcome of this recipe. The matcha green tea I used to make this was in individual bags so I did not have to deal with the powder itself. You can try brewing the matcha as normal and using it or putting the matcha in tea bags to brew. 
  • It is important to use pure aloe vera, many aloe vera gels you typically see in the store are bright green and filled with artificial colors and chemicals. The gel I always use can be bought here, or you can make your own by cutting open the leaf of an aloe vera plant, scraping out the clear gel, and blending it, or using a fork to mix it so it is easier to manage. Aloe vera juice would also work for this recipe.
  • There are many different essential oils you can use in this recipe, just be sure to keep it to 2 drops total no matter which ones you choose to use. Having essential oils diluted properly is important, especially when being used on the skin.

Green Tea Face Toner for Glowing Skin


  • Mixing Bowl
  • Spoon
  • Small Spray Bottle


  • 1 Cup Green Tea (See Notes)
  • 1 Tablespoon Pure Aloe Vera (See Notes)
  • 3 Drops Vitamin E Oil
  • 2 Drops Soft Skin Essential Oil (See Notes)


  • Start by brewing a bag of green tea, I used matcha green tea because that is what I had on hand but any green tea will work. Once your cup of tea is done, allow it to cool completely before starting the rest of the process.
  • When the cup of tea is cooled, add all of the remaining ingredients into a jar or bowl and mix. 
  • With everything mixed, add it into a spray bottle (I like these ones).


  • If you have the powdered bright green matcha tea, not in bags, it might change the outcome of this recipe. The matcha green tea I used to make this was in individual bags so I did not have to deal with the powder itself. You can try brewing the matcha as normal and using it or putting the matcha in tea bags to brew. 
  • It is important to use pure aloe vera, many aloe vera gels you typically see in the store are bright green and filled with artificial colors and chemicals. The gel I always use can be bought here, or you can make your own by cutting open the leaf of an aloe vera plant, scraping out the clear gel, and blending it, or using a fork to mix it so it is easier to manage. Aloe vera juice would also work for this recipe.
  • There are many different essential oils you can use in this recipe, just be sure to keep it to 2 drops total no matter which ones you choose to use. Having essential oils diluted properly is important, especially when being used on the skin. 

Anti-Aging Eye Cream

Self-care: Anti-Aging Eye Cream


  • Glass Bowl heat safe
  • Large Pot
  • Small Jar
  • Whisk


  • 1 Cup Shea Butter
  • 1 Tablespoon Sweet Almond Oil
  • 5 Drops Vitamin E Oil
  • 1 Packet Green Tea See Notes
  • 1 Drop Essential Oil of Choice Optional


  • Create a double boiler, this is just a pot of water filled 1/4 of the way full. Let the water come to a boil and set a glass, heat-safe, bowl on top of the pot.
  • Add shea butter into the glass bowl, whisking to ensure it melts.
  • Once the shea butter is melted, turn off the heat and add the remaining ingredients. Whisk until fully combined. You want to work quickly on this part so the shea butter does not solidify before transferring the mixture into your eye cream container.
  • When everything is well mixed, transfer the eye cream into whatever air-tight container you have chosen to use. Let it cool for 2-3 hours until fully set.
  • You can use this as a part of your nightly skincare routine!


I used matcha green tea in my eye cream because that is usually what I have in my cupboards however what type of green tea you use does not matter, as long as it is green tea without any other teas mixed in. I tested this recipe using brewed green tea and the final product was never set so it is important to use the dried tea inside the packet directly into the eye cream. 

If the green tea is a loose leaf, meaning it hasn’t been ground into a powder, it is best that you grind the tea in a small blender or mortar and pestle, otherwise you will be spreading large chunks of tea onto your face which is no fun!

You will see small flecks of tea in the finished product, even if using a ground green tea powder.


The Best Homemade Anti-Aging Eye Cream


  • Glass Bowl heat safe
  • Large Pot
  • Small Jar
  • Whisk



  • Create a double boiler, this is just a pot of water filled 1/4 of the way full. Let the water come to a boil and set a glass, heat-safe, bowl on top of the pot.
  • Add shea butter into the glass bowl, whisking to ensure it melts.
  • Once the shea butter is melted, turn off the heat and add the remaining ingredients. Whisk until fully combined. You want to work quickly on this part so the shea butter does not solidify before transferring the mixture into your eye cream container.
  • When everything is well mixed, transfer the eye cream into whatever air-tight container you have chosen to use. Let it cool for 2-3 hours until fully set.
  • You can use this as a part of your nightly skincare routine!


I used matcha green tea in my eye cream because that is usually when I have in my cupboards however what type of green tea you use does not matter, as long as it is green tea without any other teas mixed in. I tested this recipe using brewed green tea and the final product was never set so it is important to use the dried tea inside the packet directly into the eye cream. 
If the green tea is a loose-leaf, meaning it hasn’t been ground into a powder, it is best that you grind the tea in a small blender or mortar and pestle, otherwise you will be spreading large chunks of tea onto your face which is no fun!
You will see small flecks of tea in the finished product, even if using a ground green tea powder.

Charcoal Face Mask

Self-care: Charcoal Face Mask


  • 1 Glass Jar with Lid
  • Mixing Spoon
  • Measuring Spoons



  • Mix all of the ingredients together until the mixture is smooth. 
  • Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 1 week.


  • IMPORTANT! Rinse off the charcoal face mask with whatever facial soap you use. Charcoal is black and can stick if not rinsed off with soap
  • If you have an aloe vera plant in your home, you could simply open up a leaf, scoop out the aloe vera gel and use that. If it is too sticky just blend the gel until it’s a smooth consistency.
  • The honey does not have to be raw however, raw honey has much more micronutrients and antioxidants that are beneficial to the skin.

Charcoal Face Mask DIY


  • 1 Glass Jar with Lid
  • Mixing Spoon
  • Measuring Spoons



  • Mix all of the ingredients together until the mixture is smooth. 
  • Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 1 week.


  • IMPORTANT! Rinse off the charcoal face mask with whatever facial soap you use. Charcoal is black and can stick if not rinsed off with soap
  • If you have an aloe vera plant in your home, you could simply open up a leaf, scoop out the aloe vera gel and use that. If it is too sticky just blend the gel until it’s a smooth consistency.
  • The honey does not have to be raw however, raw honey has much more micronutrients and antioxidants that are beneficial to the skin.
15 DIY Self Care Products

Want More Self-Care Ideas? Check This Out!

How to Make Antibacterial Hand Soap with Essential Oils

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5 DIY Sugar Scrubs

Sugar scrubs are one of the easiest beauty products to make at home. These 5 DIY sugar scrubs will bring excitement to your beauty routine. If you deal with dry flaky skin or love to exfoliate your body, these sugar scrubs are for you. 

How to Use Sugar Scrubs

Using a sugar scrub is easy. I like to wash my body with this Green Tea Soap Bar Recipe and then follow up with one of the 5 DIY sugar scrubs. Simply rub the sugar scrub into your skin and rinse it off once you’re done. It is that easy! 

Benefits of Sugar Scrubs

Sugar scrubs can offer many benefits to the skin. The main purpose of a sugar scrub is exfoliation. Exfoliation can help remove any dead skin you may have on your body. Once the dead skin is removed, you will notice a difference in the appearance and texture of your skin. I always feel that my skin is extra soft after using sugar scrubs. This article offers some great in-depth information on the benefits of sugar scrubs for your skin.

Ingredients Needed for Making Sugar Scrubs

Many variations can be made with sugar scrubs, however, the basic main ingredients are:

As long as you have these two main ingredients, there are many fun variations you can make.

Vitamin E oil can be a great addition to sugar scrubs as well. Vitamin E oil is anti-inflammatory and moisturizing so if you deal with something such as a mild case of eczema, adding vitamin E oil into your sugar scrub can be beneficial. According to this article,

“Vitamin E may alleviate the dryness, itching, and flaking associated with eczema, or atopic dermatitis.

One study found that oral vitamin E supplements could produce significant improvements in eczema symptoms. Though vitamin E oil has not been well-studied in the treatment of eczema, it may increase the effectiveness of topical moisturizers.”

Optional Sugar Scrub Ingredients

  • Essential Oils 
  • Dried Flowers
  • Vitamin E Oil 
  • Coconut Milk
  • Goats Milk

When adding liquid ingredients such as coconut milk or goat’s milk, make sure to half the oil content. You can also find a powdered version of coconut milk and goat’s milk.

For example, when making a Goats Milk Sugar Scrub the ratios would be:

If you want another variation of sugar scrubs, I have a Green Tea Body Scrub Recipe you can find right here

In this post, I’ll share my favorite 5 DIY Sugar Scrubs variations.

5 DIY Sugar Scrubs

Brown sugar vanilla sugar scrub

Brown Sugar + Vanilla Sugar Scrub:

What You Need:


Add all of the ingredients to a bowl.

Mix until sugar and oil are completely combined.

How to make coffee sugar scrubs

Coffee Sugar Scrub:

What You Need:


The coffee grounds should be used, so the coffee smell has been released. I like to take my coffee grounds and put them in a jar to dry out for a few hours before using them. 

Add all of the ingredients to a bowl.

Mix until sugar and oil are completely combined.

How to make citrus sugar scrubs

Citrus Sugar Scrub:

What You Need:


Add all of the ingredients to a bowl.

Mix until sugar and oil are completely combined.

Floral Sugar Scrubs

Floral Sugar Scrub:

What You Need:


If using dried roses, grind them up fine in a mortar and pestle.

Add all of the ingredients to a bowl.

Mix until sugar and oil are completely combined.

Note: You could use 5 drops of rose essential oil instead of using clary sage essential oil, however, rose essential oil is a bit pricey so I prefer to mix the two essential oils. 

Lavender Sugar Scrubs

Lavender Sugar Scrub:

What You Need:


If using dried lavender, grind it up fine in a mortar and pestle.

Add all of the ingredients to a bowl.

Mix until sugar and oil are completely combined.

Want More Essential Oil Recipes? Check These Out!

Green Tea Body Scrub Recipe

Green Tea Soap Bar Recipe

Homemade Shampoo Bar Recipe

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4 Ingredient Bath Salt Recipe

Give yourself the gift of relaxation with this amazing lavender rose bath salt recipe. Filled with real dried roses, pure lavender essential oil, and Epsom salt – this bath salt will be sure to help you unwind.

The combination of the ingredients used in this homemade lavender rose bath salt recipe is the perfect trio for relaxation. Make some bath salts, grab your favorite book, and take an amazing bath.

How to Make a Bath Salt Recipe

What You Need:


  1. Add the Epsom salt to a clean bowl.
  2. Add the sweet almond oil + essential oils.
  3. Mix the Epsom salt and oils until the Epsom salt has been covered in oil.
  4. Grind the dried flowers in a mortar and pestle until they become fine, you do not want any chunks.
  5. If using dried flowers, add those in mix.


If you do not want dried roses in your bath you could simply take those out of the recipe and substitute another 5 drops of rose essential oil.

Benefits of Bath Salts

Rose Petals + Buds:

These beautiful flowers offer many benefits, especially when they are dried. Roses are known to help with stress relief, and headaches, and are oftentimes used as a natural sleep aid due to their relaxing properties. Also, who doesn’t want to take a dried rose petal bath?

Lavender Essential Oil:

We all know lavender as the queen of relaxation, right? Lavender essential oil is a pure condensed form of lavender that is so uniquely versatile. This oil is oftentimes used to help treat anxiety, depression, and overall mood. Lavender is a go-to oil in our house, whether it is diffused or diluted in a bath soak.

According to this article, Lavender essential oil can help with easing anxiety and insomnia.

Epsom Salt:

Epsom salt is essentially magnesium flakes. Magnesium is used primarily for relaxation, mentally and physically. Epsom salt is great for all-over muscle relaxation when used in a bath. Athletes often times soak in Epsom salt baths to recover quickly from an intense workout. A homemade bath soak for sore muscles is the perfect way to finish off a workout!

This article states that Epsom salt is beneficial if you deal with stress, muscle pain, and inflammation.

Bath Salt Recipe vs. Bath Bombs Recipe

There are a few similarities and differences when it comes to choosing if you want to use a bath soak or bath bomb in your bath. The main similarity is that both bath salts and bath bombs use epsom salt. However, the main difference is, that a bath salt recipe is all epsom salt whereas a bath bomb only has a small amount of epsom salt.

Bath bombs are fun to use in the bath, I have an Herbal Bath Bomb recipe on my blog you can check out if you’re interested in making your own. There are a lot of added extra ingredients in a bath bomb to make it fizz + float.

Herbal Bath Bombs

A bath salt recipe is more practical if you’re looking to ease your muscles or any aches and pains you may have.

How to Use Bath Salts

Using a bath soak in your bath is easy.

  • Fill up the bathtub with warm water
  • Add 2 tablespoons of your bath salt recipe
  • swirl the bath soak into the warm water with your hand until the epsom salt dissolves
  • get in and enjoy!
Bath Soak Recipe

Lavender Rose Bath Salt Recipe


  • Mixing Bowl
  • Measuring Cups
  • Spoon



  • Add the Epsom salt to a clean bowl
  • Add the sweet almond oil + essential oils
  • Mix the Epsom salt and oils until the Epsom salt has been covered in oil
  • Grind the dried flowers in a mortar and pestle until they become fine, you do not want any chunks.
  • If using dried flowers, add those in and mix.


  • If you do not want dried roses in your bath you could simply take those out of the recipe and substitute another 5 drops of rose essential oil.
Bath Salt Recipe

Want to make more relaxing recipes? Look at these!

Green Tea Body Scrub

Green Tea Soap Bar Recipe

Sunburn Relief Cream

This post may contain affiliate links, I may receive commissions for purchases made through these links at no additional cost to you. 

Green Tea Soap Bar Recipe

Green tea can oftentimes be an underrated ingredient in beauty products. There are some great benefits to incorporating green tea into anyone’s skincare routine. This green tea soap bar recipe is an easy start if you’re new to making your skincare products. If making skincare products is not new to you, the green tea soap bar recipe is simple and quick making it a good addition to your homemade skincare collection. 

Green Tea Soap Bar Recipe Ingredients:

Green tea is great for anti-inflammatory purposes. If dealing with skin irritation, skin redness, or acne, adding green tea into your skincare routine can be very beneficial. According to this article, “Green tea is a powerful antibacterial agent for treating acne and unclogging pores. Polyphenols in green tea damage bacterial membranes and fight against infection, meaning that it’s a useful tool for treating the bacterial growth that causes acne. It helps kill systemic bacterial inflammation for calm, clear skin.”

Green Tea Soap Bar Recipe

Vitamin E Oil for Skin

Vitamin E Oil can provide many benefits to our skin when used topically. The main benefit often associated with vitamin E oil is its ability to reduce appearance and prevent fine lines and wrinkles. Vitamin E oil is also very moisturizing which helps with creating that “glowing” look. 

Shea Butter for Skin Benefits

If you’ve ever used body butter, it probably had shea butter in it. Shea butter, once set, truly feels like the texture of butter. I love the feeling of rubbing a product with shea butter on it my skin, it always leaves my skin feeling soft and moisturized without looking oily. There are a few different types of soap bases that can be used however, I prefer the shea butter soap base for its buttery texture and benefits. 

According to this article, “Shea butter has significant levels of vitamins A and E, which means it promotes strong antioxidant activity. Antioxidants are important anti-aging agents. They protect your skin cells from free radicals that can lead to premature aging and dull-looking skin.”

Essential Oils for Soap Making

I love to add essential oils to any skincare product I’m making. There are a lot of benefits depending on which oil you choose.

Here are a few oils I would recommend adding to your green tea soap bar recipe:

Essential Oil Blends for Skincare

Soft Skin Blend

The perfect blend for achieving soft and glowing skin. This essential oil blend is great for use on the face or body. 

Anti Age Blend

This blend is best when the green tea soap bar recipe is intended to be used as a face wash. I love using this blend in the soap bar I use on my face every night for the benefits it brings, such as reducing the appearance of fine lines and leaving my skin feeling refreshed. 

Frankincense Oils Blend

Frankincense is oftentimes used for the skin. This blend combines a few different types of frankincense oils making it a great addition to the green tea soap bar recipe.

Zit Fighter Blend

The zit fighter blend is for all my fellow humans who deal with acne, like myself. I like to put this blend in a soap bar and use it during “that time of the month” when I tend to break out more. 

Essential Oil Singles for Skincare



Tea Tree



Green Tea Soap Bar Recipe

How to Make: Green Tea Soap Bar Recipe

What You Need:


  • Set up a double boiler by boiling 1 cup of water in a pot with a glass, heat safe, bowl on top. 
  • Cut melt + pour soap base into approximately 1 inch cubes.
  • Add soap base into glass bowl and begin to stir until soap has melted.
  • Once melted, turn off the heat, and add the remaining ingredients (vitamin E oil, green tea packet, dye, and essential oil). Mix in thoroughly.
  • Immediately pour soap mix into molds. I use these simple silicone soap bar molds.
  • Allow to sit for 4 hours until bar has completely set. 

Notes: This green tea soap bar recipe can be used on the face or body. When choosing an essential oil it is best to consider which purpose the soap bar will be used for. For example, using the Anti Age essential oil blend for a body soap bar would be fine, but the benefits of the essential oil would be better reaped if used in a face soap bar. 

If you do not use a dye in the soap, it will turn brown when it is dry. There is nothing wrong with the soap, it is a normal process.

Green Tea Soap Bar Recipe

Green Tea Soap Bar Recipe


  • 1 Silicone Soap Bar Molds


  • Set up a double boiler by boiling 1 cup of water in a pot with a glass, heat-safe, bowl on top. 
  • Cut melt + pour soap base into approximately 1-inch cubes.
  • Add soap base into the glass bowl and begin to stir until soap has melted.
  • Once melted, turn off the heat, and add the remaining ingredients (vitamin E oil, green tea packet, dye, and essential oil). Mix in thoroughly.
  • Immediately pour soap mix into molds. I use these simple silicone soap bar molds.
  • Allow sitting for 4 hours until the bar has completely set. 


  • This green tea soap bar recipe can be used on the face or body. When choosing an essential oil it is best to consider which purpose the soap bar will be used for. For example, using the Anti Age essential oil blend for a body soap bar would be fine, but the benefits of the essential oil would be better reaped if used in a face soap bar. 
  • If you do not use a dye in the soap, it will turn brown when it is dry. There is nothing wrong with the soap, it is a normal process.

Check out these other essential oil recipes!

8 Essential Oil Diffuser Blends for Summer

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Herbal Bath Bombs

Bath bombs can be a fun addition to any bath! Instead of adding bubble bath to the water, use one of these herbal bath bombs for a unique and relaxing experience. Similar to using bubble bath, bath bombs fizz up in the water and release the ingredients put in them, in this case; herbs and essential oils. 

Making bath bombs is a surprisingly simple process requiring only a few ingredients. They can also be made with different add-ins depending on what you have or what experience you are trying to create. I like adding herbs to my bath bombs as well as essential oils.

Herbs for Bath Bombs


Lavender is known for helping with relaxation. This is a great herb to add to bath bombs if your goal is to wind down and relax at the end of the day (or any time of day). 


Calendula is a great herb for physical healing. If you are dealing with a physical ailment such as a wound (make sure it is not an open wound) or a simple burn, adding ground calendula to your herbal bath bombs can aid in faster healing. 


Rose petals are another great addition to herbal bath bombs if you are looking to relax. Rose petals can also be great at helping with menstrual cramps. 


Chamomile is an herb that has been used for centuries. The healing properties of chamomile are vast but one of the main uses of this herb is for anti-inflammatory purposes. If you have an issue with inflammation, adding chamomile to the herbal bath bombs is a great idea. 

Essential Oils for Bath Bombs

Essential oils are a wonderful addition to herbal bath bombs. Which essential oil you choose to use can depend on the herbs you have used. I like to pair herbs and essential oils dependent on their similar abilities. For example, if using dried lavender as your herb, adding in lavender essential oil can enhance the benefits even more.

Essential Oil Singles for Bath 

Essential Oil Blends for Bath

Herbal Bath Bombs Recipe

How to Make Bath Bombs



  • Add the dry ingredients (Baking Soda, Cornstarch, Epsom Salt, Citric Acid, Dried Herbs) to a large mixing bowl.
  • Next, add the wet ingredients (Almond Oil, Essential Oils, Water).
  • Mix until you can squeeze the mixture in your hand without it crumbling, similar to the texture of sand.
  • You can watch the video tutorial for these herbal bath bombs right here to see what the proper consistency is.
  • Once the mixture has reached the right texture, pack it into the molds. I used silicone cupcake liners because it is what I already have on hand. If you want to use real bath bomb molds to make a sphere, check these out
  • Pack the mixture tightly into the mold, being sure not to overfill the molds as the mixture will get larger as it sits. 
  • Let the herbal bath bombs sit out at room temperature for at least 12 hours. The bath bombs should be completely dry once they have set. 
  • When the herbal bath bombs are dry, take them out of the molds and store in a container. Use as often as you please! 


If using dried herbs, be sure to grind them very fine. I use a mortar and pestle like this one. You could also blend them in a blender if that is easier for you. 

How to use Bath Bombs

Using bath bombs is truly a simple process. Similar to bubble bath, you drop the bath bomb into the warm bathwater. The herbal bath bombs will fizz and disintegrate into the bathwater. Take your bath as usual. There might be a few pieces of the dried herbs at the bottom of the bathtub after you have drained the bathwater, just rinse these out with more water. With the herbs being ground fine it should not affect the drain/plumbing at all. 


Herbal Bath Bombs



  • Add the dry ingredients (Baking Soda, Cornstarch, Epsom Salt, Citric Acid, and Dried Herbs) to a large mixing bowl.
  • Next, add the wet ingredients (Almond Oil, Essential Oils, Water).
  • Mix until you can squeeze the mixture in your hand without it crumbling, similar to the texture of sand.
  • Once the mixture has reached the right texture, pack it into the molds. I used silicone cupcake liners because it is what I already have on hand. If you want to use real bath bomb molds to make a sphere, check these out 
  • Pack the mixture tightly into the mold, being sure not to overfill the molds as the mixture will get larger as it sits. 
  • Let the herbal bath bombs sit out at room temperature for at least 12 hours. The bath bombs should be completely dry once they have been set. 
  • When the herbal bath bombs are dry, take them out of the molds and store them in a container. Use as often as you please! 

Check Out These for more Essential Oil Recipes!

Natural Sunburn Cream

Anti-Aging Green Tea Eye Cream

Homemade Diaper Rash Cream

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