Apple Scrap Vinegar

Apple scrap vinegar is versatile and easy-to-make but also comes with a plethora of health benefits. Making your own apple scrap vinegar at home is a sustainable way to utilize kitchen scraps, reduce food waste, and enjoy a homemade product that’s free from artificial additives. In this guide, I will take you through the step-by-step process of making apple scrap vinegar, from selecting the right apples to the fermentation and bottling stages.

How to Make Apple Scrap Vinegar

Apple Scrap Vinegar Recipe
  1. Choosing the Right Apples:

The first step in making apple scrap vinegar is selecting the right apples. While you can use any variety, it’s essential to choose organic apples to avoid pesticides and chemicals that might interfere with the fermentation process. Additionally, try to mix sweet and tart apples for a well-balanced flavor profile. Aim for a mix of apple varieties to enhance the complexity of your vinegar.

  1. Collecting Apple Scraps:

Once you have your apples, it’s time to collect the apple scraps. Instead of throwing away peels, cores, and any leftover apple pieces, collect them in a clean, glass container. You can store the apple scraps in the freezer until you have enough collected just ensure you are freezing wide-mouthed jars only, or make a small batch of homemade apple scrap vinegar every time you have any apple scraps. Make sure to wash the apples thoroughly before peeling to remove any dirt or residues.

  1. Creating the Apple Scrap Vinegar Base:

To start the fermentation process, place your collected apple scraps in a large glass or ceramic container. You can use a wide-mouthed jar or a dedicated fermentation crock. Ensure that the container is clean and sanitized to prevent the growth of unwanted bacteria. If you are using a wide-mouthed jar you will need fermenting weights and fermenting lids as well, I have tried MANY fermenting lids and these remain my favorite.

  1. Adding Sweetener and Water:

To start the fermentation process, you’ll need to add a sweetener to feed the bacteria that will convert the sugars into alcohol, I always use organic cane sugar. For every cup of apple scraps, add about 1-2 tablespoons of sweetener. Fill the container with filtered water, making sure the apple scraps are fully submerged. Avoid using tap water that contains chlorine as this will mess with the fermentation process.

  1. Stirring and Covering:

Give the mixture a good stir to dissolve the sweetener and evenly distribute it among the apple scraps. Cover the container with a clean cloth (this is unnecessary if using the fermenting lids or fermentation crock) secured with a rubber band. This allows the mixture to breathe while keeping out dust and debris.

  1. Allowing the Fermentation Process:

Place the covered container in a dark place for the initial fermentation. The ideal temperature range is between 60°F to 80°F (15°C to 27°C). Check the mixture daily and stir it to help distribute the natural yeasts present on the apple skins. You’ll notice bubbles forming as the fermentation process begins. There might be a layer of white/grayish slime on the top of the mixture, this is kahm yeast and completely normal.

  1. Monitoring Fermentation:

Fermentation times can vary, but you can expect the initial fermentation to take about 2-4 weeks. As the apple scraps break down, the mixture will transition from sweet to alcoholic and finally to acidic. Taste the liquid periodically to gauge its acidity level. I personally ferment mine for about 2-3 months as I prefer a stronger acidity.

  1. Straining the Mixture:

Once the mixture reaches your desired level of acidity, it’s time to strain out the solids. Use a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth to separate the liquid from the apple scraps. Discard the scraps or use them in compost. These will most likely be too acidic to feed to your chickens.

  1. Bottling and Storing:

After straining, it’s time to bottle your apple scrap vinegar. Use glass bottles or jars with airtight lids to store the vinegar. Make sure to leave some headspace to allow for any residual fermentation gases. Store the bottles in the refrigerator or a cool, dark pantry.

Uses for Apple Scrap Vinegar

Apple Scrap Vinegar

Congratulations! You’ve successfully crafted your own apple scrap vinegar. Now, it’s time to enjoy it in various applications. Here are some uses for your homemade apple scrap vinegar:

  • Salad Dressings: Create delicious and tangy salad dressings by combining apple scrap vinegar with olive oil, Dijon mustard, and herbs. It adds a refreshing zing to your greens.
  • Recipe Replacement: Substitute apple scrap vinegar for any other vinegar in recipes, such as in pickling, sauces, and marinades. Its unique flavor profile can enhance a variety of dishes. Please note, unless you test the acidity level this is not safe for canning.
  • Health Benefits: Some people use apple scrap vinegar as a home remedy, mixing a teaspoon with water to aid digestion or potentially soothe a sore throat.
  • Bath Soak for Kids: Add a splash of apple scrap vinegar to your child’s bathwater when they are unwell. Some believe it may help reduce fever and provide a soothing experience. *not medical advice
  • Bone Broth Enhancer: Boost the nutritional content of your bone broth by adding a splash of apple scrap vinegar. It may aid in extracting more collagen from the bones, contributing to the overall health benefits of your broth.

Making apple scrap vinegar at home is not only a rewarding and sustainable culinary endeavor but also a delightful way to explore the world of fermentation. By utilizing kitchen scraps that would typically end up in the compost or trash, you’ve created a flavorful and healthful product that can elevate your cooking to new heights. Experiment with different apple varieties and fermentation times to find the perfect balance for your taste buds.

Apple Scrap Vinegar vs. Apple Cider Vinegar

Fermented Apple Scrap Vinegar

Apple scrap vinegar and apple cider vinegar are distinct in their origins and production processes, leading to differences in taste and composition. Let’s explore the key distinctions between the two:

  1. Starting Ingredients:
    • Apple Scrap Vinegar: As the name suggests, apple scrap vinegar is made from leftover apple scraps, such as peels and cores. The fermentation process begins with these scraps, which are typically combined with a sweetener and water to initiate the conversion of sugars into alcohol and, eventually, into vinegar.
    • Apple Cider Vinegar: Traditional apple cider vinegar, on the other hand, is made from freshly pressed apple juice. The juice undergoes a two-step fermentation process – first into hard apple cider through the action of yeast, and then into vinegar with the help of acetic acid bacteria.
  2. Ingredients and Flavor Profile:
    • Apple Scrap Vinegar: The use of apple scraps in the production of apple scrap vinegar imparts a unique flavor profile. Depending on the apple varieties used and the fermentation process, the resulting vinegar may have a milder or more complex taste compared to conventional apple cider vinegar.
    • Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar tends to have a more consistent and well-established flavor due to the specific apple juice used. It typically has a tangy and robust taste with a characteristic apple undertone.
  3. Nutrient Composition:
    • Apple Scrap Vinegar: The nutrient composition of apple scrap vinegar may vary based on the types of apples used and the specific fermentation conditions. However, it generally retains some of the nutritional elements present in the apple scraps, such as vitamins and minerals.
    • Apple Cider Vinegar: Commercial apple cider vinegar often goes through a filtration and pasteurization process that may remove some of the original nutrients present in the apple juice. However, high-quality, unfiltered, and raw apple cider vinegar may retain more of these beneficial compounds.
  4. Homemade Varieties:
    • Apple Scrap Vinegar: Making apple scrap vinegar at home allows for creativity and experimentation. The use of different apple varieties and the potential inclusion of various sweeteners can result in a more artisanal and personalized product.
    • Apple Cider Vinegar: Commercially available apple cider vinegar is often produced on a larger scale and follows a standardized process. However, homemade apple cider vinegar can also offer unique flavors and variations depending on the apple juice used and the fermentation conditions.

In summary, while both apple scrap vinegar and apple cider vinegar share apple as a common ingredient, their production methods, flavor profiles, and potential benefits differ. Apple scrap vinegar, with its emphasis on repurposing kitchen scraps, offers a unique and sustainable twist on the more conventional apple cider vinegar. Homemade variations of both types allow for exploration and customization, providing a diverse range of options.

Want more homemade recipes? Check these out!

Natural All Purpose Cleaner

How to Make Cast Iron Seasoning Oil

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A Guide to Homemade Laundry Detergent

In a world where inflation has taken a hold on many families and natural living has been brought to the forefront of their minds, people are turning to do-it-yourself solutions to reduce their spending and unload the toxic burden of modern inventions, like fancy smelling colorful laundry soap. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of making your own DIY laundry soap, focusing on a homemade laundry detergent recipe that is not only effective but also gentle on your clothes and your wallet.

The Rise of Homemade Laundry Detergent

Making liquid laundry soap

Embracing Sustainable Living

In recent years, more people are adopting a community-sufficient lifestyle, and creating your laundry detergent aligns perfectly with this movement. It allows you to take control of the ingredients, avoid harmful chemicals, and reduce plastic waste associated with commercial detergents.

The Benefits of Going DIY

Discover the numerous advantages of making your laundry soap, including cost savings, customization, and the satisfaction of knowing exactly what goes into the detergent you use.

  1. Washing Soda:
    • Pricing may vary, but for the purpose of this example, let’s assume the cost of washing soda is $0.50 per cup.
  2. Castile Soap:
    • The cost of unscented Castile soap bars can vary, but for this example, let’s assume it costs $4.00 per bar.
  3. Water:
    • We usually consider the cost of water as negligible for these types of calculations.

Now, let’s calculate the total cost:

  • Washing Soda: $0.50 (per cup)
  • Castile Soap: $4.00 (per bar)

Total Cost = Cost of Washing Soda + Cost of Castile Soap

Total Cost = $0.50 + $4.00

Total Cost = $4.50

Assuming you use a 5-gallon bucket of water for this recipe, let’s calculate the cost per gallon:

Cost per Gallon = Total Cost / Number of Gallons

Cost per Gallon = $4.50 / 5

Cost per Gallon = $0.90

Therefore, the estimated cost per gallon for the given recipe is $0.90. Keep in mind that actual costs may vary based on the prices of ingredients in your local area.

When comparing to a typical liquid laundry detergent found at the store, the cost is usually around $10/gallon or more depending on the brand.

Optional Additions

If you are looking a scented laundry soap, feel free to add essential oils or fresh herbs to this recipe in whatever quantity you desire. I also have a DIY Laundry Scent Booster recipe you can find here.

Step-by-Step Guide to Homemade Laundry Detergent

Gathering Your Supplies

Before you embark on your DIY laundry soap journey, ensure you have all the necessary ingredients and equipment.

Mixing and Brewing

  • Begin heating a large pot full of water.
  • Grate the entire bar of castile soap using a cheese grater.
  • Once the water is hot, add in your grated castile soap along with the 1 cup of washing soda.
  • Making sure you have a spoon long enough to mix in a large pot, mix the homemade laundry soap until you see the castile soap beginning to melt.
  • Allow the mixture to cool slightly before putting it in the 5 gallon bucket.
  • Fill the rest of the bucket up with water.
  • Use as you would a typical liquid laundry soap.

Tips and Troubleshooting

Storing Your Detergent

Learn about proper storage to maximize the shelf life of your homemade laundry soap. Discover the best containers and locations to maintain its efficacy.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

The castile soap will never fully melt, this is simply the nature of solid castile soap. You might notice your homemade laundry detergent gets gelatinous when it sits between uses, this is normal. Shake the jar/container you use to dispense the soap and the gelatin-like texture will mix in. This should not harm your washer, I have used this recipe for years and never had an issue.


A Guide to Homemade Laundry Detergent


  • 5 gallon bucket
  • large stockpot
  • long handled spoon


  • 1 Cup Washing Soda
  • 1 Bar Unscented Castile Soap


  • Begin heating a large pot full of water.
  • Grate the entire bar of castile soap using a cheese grater.
  • Once the water is hot, add in your grated castile soap along with the 1 cup of washing soda.
  • Making sure you have a spoon long enough to mix in a large pot, mix the homemade laundry soap until you see the castile soap beginning to melt.
  • Allow the mixture to cool slightly before putting it in the 5 gallon bucket.
  • Fill the rest of the bucket up with water.
  • Use as you would a typical liquid laundry soap.


The castile soap will never fully melt. Your mixture might get gelatinous as it sits but this is normal. Shake your jar before pouring the homemade laundry detergent into your washing machine.

Embarking on the journey of making your own homemade laundry detergent is a rewarding step toward a more sustainable and mindful lifestyle. By crafting a natural laundry detergent at home, using 1 cup washing soda and 1 unscented Castile soap bar, you not only take control of what goes into your cleaning routine but also contribute to a healthier planet. Follow this comprehensive guide to create your DIY laundry soap, and enjoy the satisfaction of clean clothes while minimizing your environmental impact.

Salt Dough Ornaments: A Holiday Tradition

As the holiday season approaches, there’s a unique magic in the air—the scent of cinnamon and pine, the twinkle of lights, and the warmth of festive gatherings. Embrace the spirit of the season by diving into a cherished tradition that goes beyond store-bought decorations. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the world of salt dough ornaments, a DIY crafting endeavor that not only adds a personal touch to your holiday decor but also creates enduring memories for you and your loved ones.

salt dough ornaments

Chapter 1: Unveiling the Legacy of Salt Dough Ornaments

Salt dough crafts have stood the test of time, becoming a time-honored tradition in many households. With humble origins, salt dough emerged as an affordable alternative to traditional crafting materials in the 19th century. Over the years, it has evolved into a versatile medium for creating personalized ornaments, capturing the essence of the holiday spirit. This chapter delves into the history and significance of salt dough ornaments, highlighting their enduring appeal.

Chapter 2: Crafting the Foundation – A Foolproof Salt Dough Recipe

Before you embark on your salt dough ornament adventure, it’s essential to master the basic recipe. In this chapter, we’ll guide you through a simple yet reliable recipe, ensuring that your salt dough is the perfect canvas for your creative endeavors. With just flour, salt, and water, you’ll create a pliable and durable dough ready for shaping and molding into festive designs.

Chapter 3: Shaping Holiday Magic – Tips and Tricks for Perfect Ornaments

Now that your salt dough is ready, let’s explore the art of shaping and molding. Discover the joy of rolling out the dough and using an array of cookie cutters to create a variety of shapes—from traditional holiday symbols like stars and Christmas trees to personalized shapes that reflect your unique style. This chapter offers tips and tricks to ensure your ornaments are not only visually appealing but also structurally sound.

Chapter 4: The Baking Alchemy – Transforming Dough into Timeless Treasures

As you carefully place your shaped ornaments on a parchment-lined baking sheet, the anticipation builds. This chapter guides you through the baking process, providing insights into the ideal temperature and duration to achieve perfectly dried and hardened salt dough ornaments. Learn how to avoid common pitfalls and ensure your creations emerge from the oven ready for the next phase of their transformation.

Chapter 5: Painting the Canvas – Expressing Your Creativity

With your dried ornaments in hand, it’s time to unleash your creativity through color. Whether you prefer classic reds and greens or opt for a more modern and eclectic palette, this chapter explores different painting techniques and materials to bring your salt dough ornaments to life. Dive into the world of acrylics, watercolors, and even metallic finishes as you add the finishing touches to your holiday masterpieces. Refer to the end of this blog post for more in-depth decorating ideas.

Chapter 6: Beyond Paint – Creative Decorating Ideas

Elevate your salt dough ornaments with a myriad of decorating ideas. From embossing intricate patterns to adding a touch of sparkle with glitter, this chapter is a treasure trove of inspiration. Explore ways to personalize your ornaments with messages, names, and dates, or embrace a nature-inspired theme by incorporating twigs, leaves, and other organic elements.

Chapter 7: Displaying and Preserving Your Ornaments

With your salt dough ornaments complete, the final chapter guides you through the best practices for displaying and preserving these handmade treasures. Whether you’re gifting them to loved ones or arranging them on your own holiday tree, discover creative ways to showcase the beauty and sentiment behind each ornament. Learn how to store them properly to ensure they withstand the test of time, becoming cherished heirlooms for generations to come.

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Salt Dough Ornament Recipe



  • 4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup salt
  • 1.5 cups water


  1. Preheat your oven to 325°F
  2. In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour and salt.
  3. Gradually add water to the dry mixture, stirring continuously until a smooth dough forms.
  4. Knead the dough on a floured surface until it becomes elastic.
  5. Roll out the dough to your desired thickness (usually around 1/4 inch).
  6. Use cookie cutters to create various shapes, such as stars, hearts, or traditional holiday symbols.
  7. Place the cutouts on a parchment-lined baking sheet.
  8. Bake for 1 hour or until the ornaments are completely dry and hard.

Once your salt dough ornaments have cooled, they are ready to be decorated and personalized.

Creative Salt Dough Ornament Decorating Ideas

salt dough ornaments

One of the most delightful aspects of salt dough ornaments is the opportunity for creativity. Here are some ideas to spark your imagination:

  1. Painting and Glazing: After the ornaments have cooled, unleash your artistic flair by painting them with vibrant colors. Once the paint is dry, add a glossy finish with a clear glaze for a polished look.
  2. Embossing: Press holiday-themed stamps or textured objects into the dough before baking to create intricate designs. The imprints will remain even after the ornaments are painted.
  3. Glitter and Sparkle: For a touch of glamour, apply glue and sprinkle glitter onto your ornaments. Gold and silver glitter can add a festive sparkle, while colored glitter can complement your chosen color scheme.
  4. Personalized Messages: Use a thin brush to write messages, names, or dates on your ornaments. This adds a sentimental touch and makes them perfect for gift-giving.
  5. Nature-inspired Decorations: Press small twigs, leaves, or flowers into the dough to create nature-inspired patterns. This rustic touch adds a unique and organic feel to your ornaments.
  6. Cookie Cutter Confetti: If you have smaller cookie cutters, create additional mini-shapes to adorn your ornaments. Glue these smaller shapes onto the larger ones for a layered effect.

The Timeless Charm of Salt Dough Ornaments: A Holiday Tradition


  • Acrylic Paint
  • Paint Brushes
  • Cookie Sheet
  • Twine or String


  • 4 Cups Flour
  • 1 Cup Salt
  • 1⅓ Cups Water


  • Preheat your oven to 325°F
  • In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour and salt.
  • Gradually add water to the dry mixture, stirring continuously until a smooth dough forms.
  • Knead the dough on a floured surface until it becomes elastic.
  • Roll out the dough to your desired thickness (usually around 1/4 inch).
  • Use cookie cutters to create various shapes, such as stars, hearts, or traditional holiday symbols.
  • Place the cutouts on a parchment-lined baking sheet.
  • Bake for 1 hour or until the ornaments are completely dry and hard
salt dough ornaments

Salt dough ornaments are more than just decorations—they are tangible expressions of creativity, love, and tradition. As you embark on this DIY journey, savor the moments of crafting, decorating, and sharing these handmade treasures with those you hold dear. May your holiday season be adorned with the timeless charm of salt dough ornaments, each one telling a unique story and contributing to a tapestry of memories that will endure for years to come. Happy crafting!

Check out these other DIY recipes:

Cranberry Jam Recipe

4 Must-Have DIY Skincare Recipes for Spring

4 Must-Have DIY Skincare Recipes for Spring

Okay… one of these recipes is a bug-repellent candle, but I had to use skincare in the title for google-search purposes. If you live in a place like mine, spring is hot and sunny (most of the time). DIY skincare recipes like homemade sunscreen, Bug-repellent lotion, and sunburn relief cream are essential this time of year. Also, a bug-repellent candle keeps those freshly hatched mosquitos away!

Many store-bought products aimed at repelling bugs and protecting you from the sun can be filled with chemicals. Switching to homemade skincare can significantly reduce your exposure to toxins.

Here Are Your 4 Must-Have DIY Skincare Recipes for Spring

Natural Homemade Sunscreen Recipe

Natural Sunscreen Recipe

How do you make natural sunscreen at home?



  1. Melt the shea butter and coconut oil over a double boiler.
  2. Once melted, turn the heat off and mix in the remaining ingredients.
  3. Allow the DIY homemade sunscreen to sit at room temperature for about an hour until it has fully set. 
  4. Apply as needed.

It is that simple! Now, you might have a few questions about making sunscreen at home. Here are some common questions that most people wonder when making a DIY natural sunscreen recipe.

Tips For Avoiding a Sunburn

  1. Wear a homemade natural sunscreen (to learn about the toxic ingredients in conventional store-bought sunscreens, keep reading.)
  2. Limit sun exposure to increments of 2 hours at a time before seeking shade, then reentering into the sunshine.
  3. Optional, wear large hats to cover sensitive areas like your face, neck, and shoulders.

Is Homemade Sunscreen Waterproof?

The answer is yes. You might find it odd to add beeswax to a homemade sunscreen recipe but beeswax is the key to making the sunscreen waterproof. If you’ve ever used beeswax on your skin before you will know that it wicks away water, allowing the homemade sunscreen to stay active on your skin even while getting wet. 

It is important to note; that using too much beeswax can cause the homemade natural sunscreen to not set properly. Therefore, following the recipe measurements is important with this one. 

What is Non-Nano Zinc Oxide?

This is essentially the SPF part of the natural sunscreen recipe. According to this article, “Zinc oxide sits on top of your skin (rather than soaking in, as chemical sunscreens do) and protects you by scattering, absorbing, and reflecting the sun’s rays. It can stand alone as a sunblock because it is truly effective against UVA, UVB, and even UVC rays — this is called a “broad-spectrum blocker.” But zinc oxide isn’t just effective at blocking the sun! It’s also good for your skin.”

Another great thing about using non-nano zinc oxide is that it is considered safe for marine animals, whereas nano zinc oxide is not safe for marine animals. To read more about that, check out this study.

Homemade Sunscreen with Essential Oils

I love adding essential oils to almost every homemade recipe. Essential oils add a great fragrance when used in natural sunscreen made at home. If using peppermint essential oil in your DIY natural sunscreen recipe as I did, your skin will feel cool and tingly, in a good way, when using this sunscreen. 

If you want to make this sunscreen a 2-in1 deal, aka, bug repellent and sunscreen, there are some essential oils to repel bugs that you can use. Examples: peppermint, citronella (great for repelling mosquitos), and eucalyptus. To learn more about essential oils that repel bugs, check out my DIY Bug Repellent Lotion Recipe

Here are some essential oils for homemade sunscreen:

The Toxic Ingredients in Conventional Sunscreens

In recent years, some studies have exposed the toxic and harmful ingredients used in common conventional sunscreens. Some of the harmful ingredients include oxybenzone, octinoxate, homosalate, and nanoparticles. Not only are these ingredients harmful when used on our bodies, but they are also harmful to marine animals. When swimming in the ocean specifically, I am sure you have seen your sunscreen leave an oil trail next to where you are in the water. Leaving that trail behind means the marine animals will encounter it, later on, harming them the same way it harms us. 

To read more about the harmful effects of conventional sunscreen, check out this website

If you do end up with a sunburn, check out my Natural Sunburn Relief Cream recipe to help ease the pain and discomfort of a sunburn. 

How to Properly Store Sunscreen

When making a DIY sunscreen recipe with essential oils, it is important to store the sunscreen in a glass container. Essential oils have the capability of breaking down plastic over a long period of time therefore it is better to be safe than sorry and just use glass. Make sure to use a tight lid on whichever glass container you choose.

Glass Containers for Storing Sunscreen:

Glass Bottle with Pump Lid

Wide Mouth Mason Jar

Natural Homemade Sunscreen Recipe

DIY Natural Homemade Sunscreen Recipe



1. Melt the shea butter and coconut oil over a double boiler.

2. Once melted, turn the heat off and whisk in the remaining ingredients.

3. Allow the DIY homemade sunscreen to sit at room temperature for about an hour until it has been fully set. 

4. Store in an airtight glass container and apply as needed.


It is nearly impossible to measure exactly how much SPF this natural homemade sunscreen has, however, it is safe to assume the SPF is around 30, give or take.

This sunscreen is generally safe to be used anywhere you would normally apply sunscreen, like your face. Just be sure to use essential oils that you are not allergic to and be sure to keep the sunscreen out of your eyes. 

Use your best judgment when applying this to your children. I use this on my kid’s age 6 months and up with no issues. Some kids might have sensitive skin when using essential oils, so feel free to omit that. 

DIY Bug Repellent Lotion

DIY Bug Repellent Lotion

Dealing with bugs in the summer is inevitable, especially mosquitos. These little insects love to eat me up all spring and summer. That is why I decided to make my own DIY bug repellent lotion. When using this lotion, I notice a significant reduction in the number of mosquito bites I get when I’m outside, it has been a life saver!

How Do You Make DIY Bug Repellent Lotion?

You might be wondering, what can I put on my skin to keep bugs away? The key to this DIY bug repellent lotion is the essential oils, this is what will help repel the mosquitoes, as well as other bugs. There are a few different essential oils you can use to repel certain bugs, for example, citronella is a great oil to use when you want to repel mosquitoes. 

Essential Oils for Bugs


Citronella essential oil is great for repelling mosquitoes. If you have ever purchased a “bug-off” spray from the store, this usually contains artificial citronella fragrance. 


Peppermint essential oil is truly one of the most versatile essential oils, especially when it comes to pests. It is one of the strongest natural insect repellents. This essential oil can be effective at repelling ticks, mosquitoes, moths, spiders, you name it. 


Eucalyptus essential oil is great for repelling mosquitoes. There was a study done in 2014 that showed eucalyptus oil provided more than 95% of protection from mosquitoes for up to 3 hours. 

Nature Shield Blend

Nature Shield Blend is a great all-in-one blend to have on hand. This blend combines the citronella and eucalyptus essential oils plus a few others, making it very effective at repelling mosquitoes. 

Kids Shield-Me Blend

If you plan to use this DIY mosquito repellent lotion on little kids, I recommend using the Shield-Me essential oil blend because it is deemed kid-safe. 

Shea Butter Mosquito Repellent Lotion 

Shea butter is my favorite ingredient to use in my homemade lotion recipes. Once melted and solidified, shea butter truly feels like butter on your skin. Although shea butter might feel a bit oily, it is extremely moisturizing for the skin. You can purchase the shea butter I use right here. 

Coconut Oil for Skin

Coconut oil is a versatile ingredient, having benefits when used in the kitchen and your skincare. According to this article, “There are different mechanical and chemical processes that are used to manufacture coconut oil—for use in skincare, unrefined (virgin or extra-virgin) cold-pressed coconut oil is what’s recommended.” This is because when coconut oil is cold-pressed, meaning the oil is removed without the use of heat, the process is thought to retain more of the oil’s nutrients compared to other processing methods.

How to Use DIY Bug Repellent Lotion

Using this lotion is simple, just apply the lotion to areas you find mosquitoes bite you the most. Me, I am often a bit on my legs and arms therefore I always apply the lotion in those places before going outside during the spring and summer.

DIY Bug Repellent Lotion

DIY Bug Repellent Lotion Recipe:



  • Set up a double boiler on the stove, this is a pot filled 1/3 of the way up with boiling water and a heat-safe bowl placed on top.
  • Once the double boiler is hot, add your shea butter and coconut oil into the heat-safe bowl. Stir continuously until both have melted completely.
  • When the shea butter and coconut oil are melted, turn off the heat. 
  • Add the essential oils and stir until combined.
  • Working quickly, pour the hot mixture into your lotion container, I like using mason jars since they are heat-safe. 
  • Allow the DIY mosquito repellent lotion to set completely on the counter, this will take a few hours if it is hot inside your house. You can also put it in the fridge to set up quickly.
  • Once completely set, take a small dime-size amount of lotion and apply it to your body. A little goes a long way!
DIY Bug Repellent Candle

How to Make a Bug Repellent Candle

It is that time of year again, the bugs are out and trying to come inside. Living in the south, bugs are something we deal with all year however, the mosquitos, flies, gnats, and a whole host of other bugs show up in great quantities during the spring and summer. This bug repellent candle is simple to make, only requires a few ingredients, and is effective at keeping (most) bugs away. 

Before learning about the negative effects artificial fragrances and chemicals can have on our bodies, I, like most people, would go to the store and buy a generic brand bug repellent candle. Now, once educating myself on how harmful these candles can really be, I make my own every year using this recipe. 

To learn a little bit more about creating beeswax candles, check out my blog post HERE

Two Ingredient Bug Repellent Candle

There are only two simple ingredients needed to make this DIY bug repellent candle:

For this recipe, I used a combination of essential oils including peppermint, eucalyptus, and citronella, although using just one can still make an effective bug repellent candle.

Bug Repellent Essential Oils


This is a classic scent used in most generic brand mosquito repellent sprays and candles. As I mentioned before, the artificial fragrances and chemicals used to make these repellents can be toxic for us to inhale. When using a pure citronella scent, like with this essential oil, there are no artificial fragrances or chemicals. With that being said, this scent is great for repelling a lot of bugs but in particular, mosquitoes. 


Peppermint essential oil can be effective for many different things throughout the home. I personally love using peppermint oil in my garden to keep pests away as well as in a candle like this bug repellent candle to keep most insects away from the inside of my house. 


Eucalyptus oil is great for keeping mosquitoes away. There was a study done in 2014 that showed “eucalyptus oil provided more than 95% protection against mosquitoes for 3 hours.”, You can find that study here.


Thyme is another wonderful essential oil to use when making a bug repellent candle, There was a study done that showed thyme to be a more effective mosquito repellent than DEET. You can see that study here.

Clary Sage

Clary sage essential oil is typically associated with women’s health, particularly in its ability to induce labor naturally (I would know, it induced my second labor very quickly!), however, there are also properties to the essential oil that help to deter many insects including mosquitoes. 

Creating a combination using any of these essential oils to make a bug repellent candle can be an effective method to keep bugs away from your home. 

Bug Repellent Candle Homemade

How to Make a Bug Repellent Candle:

What you need:


  • Make a double boiler by filling your pot with water 1/3 of the way up. Once the water is boiling, add your glass bowl or measuring cup on top of the pot so the water is hitting the bottom of the glass. 
  • Add the candle wick to the candle container.
  • Pour in beeswax pellets and stir consistently until they are completely melted.
  • Once the beeswax has melted, turn off the heat, add your essential oils, and continue to stir.
  • Immediately pour melted beeswax into your candle container, the beeswax will harden quickly so this process must be fast. If your beeswax happens to harden before you are able to pour it into the candle mold, turn the pot of water back on and reheat the glass bowl or measuring cup until the beeswax melts again. 
  • Allow the candle to completely set before using, mine usually takes around 30 minutes – 1 hour depending on how big the candle container is.
  • I like to burn my candle near the back door so when the door is open to let the kids or dogs in and out of the backyard, the bugs aren’t tempted to hurry inside while the door is open. 

Natural Sunburn Relief Cream

 Even with using sunscreen, which by the way, I would recommend using a natural sunscreen like this one if you don’t want to make your own, there are times when sunburn is inevitable. 

Sunburns can be avoided, for the most part, by limiting your time in the sun to increments of 2 hours and using a natural sunscreen if desired. When sunburn does appear, it can be painful and uncomfortable. I love to use this sunburn relief cream on my whole family. The aloe vera brings instant relief from that burning feeling while the shea butter moisturizes the skin, aiding in quicker healing of the sunburn. 

Tips for avoiding a sunburn:

Unfortunately over the years, many people have had the belief that the sun is bad for us, but it really isn’t. The vitamin D we receive from direct sunlight is essential for optimal health and overall wellness. With that being said, sunburn is one side effect of being in direct sunlight. There are a few things we can do to avoid sunburn when possible, such as;

  • Limit sun exposure to increments of 2 hours, taking a small brake inside or in the shade before going back out for a few hours.
  • Use a natural sunscreen, this is a great one that our family loves
  • Wear a wide brim hat to protect the most common areas where our skin burns, such as our face and shoulders. 

Aloe vera for sunburn:

Growing up at the beach meant lots of sunburns for me when I was a child. My mom would always apply aloe vera to my skin after a long day in the sun, however, it was always the bright green kind from the drugstore. After learning more about harmful ingredients, I have come to realize this artificial aloe vera we see on most store shelves is actually toxic. It is full of artificial dyes, preservatives, and many other hormone-disrupting ingredients. 

If you do not have access to an actual aloe vera plant, where you can use the gel inside the leaves of the plant, using a pure aloe vera, with ingredients that are easily pronounced and understood is the next best option for our skin. This aloe vera has the best ingredients for something that is shelf-stable, at least that I have found. 

According to this article, “Aloe vera is soothing and moisturizing, and it has cooling properties. This makes it an ideal and inexpensive choice for soothing the pain of minor sunburns at home. Sunburned skin loses moisture, and applying aloe may help retain skin moisture due to a substance called mucopolysaccharides found in the plant.”

Make sure the aloe vera you choose is a gel, not a liquid. This will help the mixture solidify once cooled. 

Shea butter for sunburn:

Sunburns usually cause the skin to become dry and peel off. Applying a natural sunburn cream with shea butter, like the one in this recipe, can help to moisturize the affected area. Once the area has become moisturized, the skin can begin to heal. 

According to this article, “One suggestion for an especially potent sunburn moisturizer comes from Dr. Ernest Brown, founder of Doctors To You: shea butter. “In addition to moisturizing the skin (which helps to reduce infection), shea butter is packed with nutrients and vitamins that increase its healing properties.”

Lavender essential oil for sunburn:

Lavender essential oil is great for natural pain relief. When adding the oil to the natural sunburn relief cream, be sure to only use a few drops since essential oils are very potent. 

According to this article, “Just like chamomile, lavender oil also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties to treat sunburn, says Dr. Sobel. A 2004 study refers to lavender as “one of the mildest of known plant essential oils,” making it a safer pick if you have sensitive skin.”

how to make organic sunburn face cream

How to Make Sunburn Relief Cream:

What you need:


  • Begin by setting up a double boiler, this is a pot of water filled 1/3 of the way up, brought to a boil, with a glass or heat-safe bowl on top. 
  • Once the double boiler is ready, add in your shea butter. 
  • Allow the shea butter to melt completely.
  • Once melted, turn off the heat. 
  • Add in the remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly. 
  • Pour into your container of choice, remember this is a lotion so you will not be able to squeeze or pump this out, a wide mouth jar like this is a good option
  • Once cooled, put cream in a stand up mixer or mix with a handheld mixer using a whisk attachment. (see notes)
  • Apply as needed


Although whipping the cream is an extra step, it helps to ensure the aloe vera and shea butter mix completely. During the cooling process, the aloe vera gel and shea butter tend to separate, therefore mixing them together after the natural sunburn relief cream has cooled allows the cream to provide its full benefits.

You can watch a tutorial on making all of these recipes right here!

DIY Hand Sanitizer Spray

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DIY Hand Sanitizer Spray

DIY Hand Sanitizer Spray


  • 1 Glass Spray Bottles (see notes)



Watch it on YouTube!
Youtube Hand Sanitizer Spray DIY Tutorial

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Natural Homemade Cleaning Paste

All purpose cleaners are great to have around the house since they can be used on any surface. Most all purpose cleaners are liquid, like this DIY natural all purpose cleaner recipe I have on the blog, but a homemade cleaning paste is just as effective and easy to make. A natural homemade cleaning paste can be a great option for things that you really need to scrub. The baking soda in this recipe helps to loosen grime and scrub it off easily, making this recipe great for grout, bathtubs, stovetops, and much more. 

What is a Cleaning Paste?

A cleaning paste is a mixture of baking soda, Castile soap, and essential oils used to create a paste. The paste can be used on tough surfaces like grout, bathtub grime, and glass stovetops to remove those tough stains. 

Natural Homemade Cleaning Paste

Homemade Cleaning Paste vs. All-Purpose Cleaner

Homemade cleaning paste and all-purpose cleaner are essentially the same thing however, cleaning paste is more efficient at scrubbing out tough spots. If you are looking to mop your floors, I recommend a liquid diy all purpose cleaner because it is a much more efficient method for such a big job. If you want to clean your bathtub or stovetop, it is great to use a homemade cleaning paste since the job is small and the cleaning paste is very effective at removing grime. 

How to Use Homemade Cleaning Paste

Take a tablespoon of your homemade cleaning paste and put it on the surface you desire to clean. Begin scrubbing the paste on the area using a towel. 

Here are some ideas on where to use the DIY cleaning paste…

Kitchen: stovetop, sink, countertops, oven

Rooms: walls (great for getting mud off!), doors, windowsill 

Bathroom: Bathtub, sink, toilet, cabinets

Natural Homemade Cleaning Paste

How do you make cleaning paste with baking soda?


1 Cup Baking Soda

2 Teaspoons Castile Soap (Unscented)

1 Teaspoon Water (more as needed)

20 Drops Lemon Essential Oil


Add the baking soda into a bowl.

Mix the remaining ingredients (Castile soap, water, and lemon essential oil), into a separate bowl.

Slowly combine the liquid mixture into the baking soda, stirring as you go. This should form a thick paste. 

Transfer the homemade cleaning paste into a container of your choosing, I like to use these. 

Taking a towel or sponge, dip it into the diy cleaning paste and scrub on any surface. 

DIY Cleaning Paste

Essential Oils for Cleaning Products

You can use any essential oil in this recipe, and for any DIY cleaning products. I prefer the fresh, citrus or clean smelling scents when making my own homemade cleaning paste. 

Essential Oil Singles for Homemade Cleaning Paste

Essential Oil Blends for Homemade Cleaning Paste

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Homemade Cleaning Paste Recipe



  1. Add the baking soda into a bowl.
  2. Mix the remaining ingredients (Castile soap, water, and lemon essential oil), into a separate bowl.
  3. Slowly combine the liquid mixture into the baking soda, stirring as you go. This should form a thick paste. Add water, 1 teaspoon at a time, as needed.
  4. Transfer the homemade cleaning paste into a container of your choosing, I like to use these. 
  5. Taking a towel or sponge, dip it into the diy cleaning paste and scrub on any surface. 


Make sure to use an airtight container so the homemade cleaning paste does not dry out. If your paste happens to dry out, try adding in some water until it becomes a paste again. 

Watch the Video Tutorial on YouTube!

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Homemade Bug Spray for Vegetable Plants

If you’re doing a garden this year, your crops might be producing some amazing vegetables already. If you haven’t tried a homemade bug spray for vegetable plants yet, it is something you have to put on your to-do list! Gardening is a fun and rewarding hobby, however it does come with its challenges. Pests are a big challenge in most gardens. As soon as your vegetables begin to produce, you notice bites taken out of your plants. 

This home remedy to kill bugs in the garden is also effect on more plants than just vegetables, it is great when used on fruit trees, bushes, any plants indoor or outdoor. 

DIY Vegetable Plant Bug Spray



  1. Mix all of the ingredients together and pour into a spray bottle, I use these. 
  2. Shake Vigorously until mixed. The neem oil might separate from the water slightly, just shake the bug spray before using to help with the separation.
  3. Spray your homemade bug spray for vegetable plants in your garden every few days, or as needed. It is best if this is used early in the morning or late in the evening to avoid spraying pollinators such as bees.

So now, you’re probably wondering.. 

Homemade Bug Spray for Vegetable Plants

What can I spray on my vegetable plants to keep bugs off?

This homemade bug spray for vegetable plants is the perfect solution to keep bugs off your plants. The combination of neem oil, a very powerful natural pesticide for vegetable plants, and essential oils creates an effective and non-toxic vegetable bug spray. 

Neem oil is great at keeping away the bad bugs, like those tomato hornworms that will eat all of your tomatoes if you don’t catch them early. Naturally containing many antibacterial and fungicidal properties, neem oil is effective at getting rid of the pests in your garden. 

Although neem oil is effective at getting rid of the bad pests in your vegetable garden, it is suggested to only spray it early in the morning or late in the evening in order to avoid disturbing the beneficial pollinators like bees. If you see any moths, bees, or ladybugs it is best to wait on spraying your plants until they are gone for the day. 

I use this pure organic neem oil in my homemade bug spray for vegetable plants.

Essential Oils for Gardening

Essential oils are a great addition to a homemade bug spray for vegetable plants. There are many effective oils to keep bugs away. If you’re looking for essential oils to repel bugs from your home and your body, check out these recipes

Those same essential oils used in most bug repellent recipes are just as effective when used in the vegetable garden. 

The most common pests in the garden are aphids. This homemade bug spray for vegetable plants won’t necessarily kill the aphids, but it will repel them. Aphids do not like peppermint, making peppermint essential oil a necessity in any homemade aphid spray recipe. 

Eucalyptus essential oil is another necessity when making a bug spray for vegetable plants. The difference when it comes to peppermint essential oil for aphids in the garden and eucalyptus essential oil is that eucalyptus will actually kill the aphids. As mentioned above, peppermint essential oil will only repel the aphids, which is still effective. However, for the aphids that are not repelled by the peppermint, eucalyptus essential oil will take care of them quickly.

Castile Soap as an Insecticide

Castile soap is great for killing soft-bodied pests like mealybugs. Castile soap is only effective when sprayed directly on the inspect that is invading your garden. Therefore, when you see a pest on your plants it is important to spray them immediately with homemade bug spray. This will kill the pests that are currently present on your plants, and combined with the essential oils it will also repel the pests from coming back. 

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Homemade Bug Spray for Vegetable Plants

How to Make the Best Homemade Bug Spray for Vegetable Plants



  1. Mix all of the ingredients together and pour into a spray bottle, I use these. 
  2. Shake Vigorously until mixed. The neem oil might separate from the water slightly, just shake the bug spray before using to help with the separation.


I use this bug spray a few times a week if I notice more evidence of pests in my garden. Due to watering your plants and the rain, it is only natural that the bug spray will wear off after a while so being consistent with spraying your plants is important. 

Neem oil is natural and safe, it is important to get pure neem oil. You might see neem oil sprays advertised at your local gardening shop but most of these are filled with other chemicals, making it something you don’t want to spray on your plants then consume. 

Watch the Video Tutorial Right Here:
Homemade Bug Spray for Vegetable Plants

Want more bug repellent recipes? Check these out!

DIY Bug Repellent Lotion

How to Make a Bug Repellent Candle

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Charcoal Toothpaste Recipe

Making your own toothpaste might feel intimidating but it is probably much easier than what you think! There are many benefits to making your own charcoal toothpaste recipe such as it is free from fluoride, the ingredients are simple and clean, and it is great for whitening the teeth as well as cleaning them. 

Charcoal Toothpaste Ingredients:

Charcoal Toothpaste Recipe

Why avoid fluoride in toothpaste?

Fluoride has been around for years however, there has only been research done in recent years on the adverse health effects of fluoride. According to this study, fluoride can have a direct link to Alzheimer’s disease. I encourage you to read the study for yourself in order to understand how fluoride attacks our central nervous system. 

Fluoride is in many things within our environment such as conventional toothpaste, drinking water, and so much more. Using a DIY charcoal toothpaste is just one way you can reduce your intake of fluoride. 

Whitening teeth with coconut oil and baking soda

Using coconut oil for oral health is not a new trend, this has been done for years, specifically in India. As it becomes more popular across the world, people begin to notice that coconut oil whitens your teeth. Teeth whitening is a great benefit of adding coconut oil to a charcoal toothpaste recipe, but there is also an added benefit of coconut oil helping to prevent gum disease (source). 

When you read the ingredients list on toothpaste, you will typically see baking soda listed. Baking soda can be beneficial when used in toothpaste. There is evidence to support that baking soda in toothpaste can help to reduce plaque and stains, whiten teeth, and kill bacteria in our mouth. 

As you can imagine, coconut oil and baking soda make a dynamic duo for an activated charcoal toothpaste recipe. 

Charcoal Toothpaste Recipe

Charcoal toothpaste benefits

Activated charcoal is becoming more popular as an aid to whiten teeth. To sum it up, activated charcoal works to absorb stains on the surface of teeth which in turn makes our teeth appear whiter. 

Although there is not a significant amount of data available on activated charcoal used in toothpaste, I have personally noticed a difference in the whiteness of my teeth when using this charcoal toothpaste recipe. 

Activated charcoal is great for many other uses, not just teeth whitening. I always keep some on hand to use when the stomach bug hits our house, it is great at drawing out the virus and stopping the symptoms within an hour. I also love it for my skin. Check out my DIY charcoal face mask recipe here

Essential oils for teeth and gums

There are a few essential oils that can be beneficial for our teeth and gums. 

Peppermint: Peppermint is a common oil used in natural toothpastes. Besides the great cooling effect it has on the mouth, there are some benefits like the ability to kill oral pathogens and common bacteria in our mouth. By killing these common pathogens, there is a reduction in the possibility of developing cavities and gum disease. 

Clove: Clove essential oil is great for those with sensitive teeth. There is an old wives tale that clove oil helps when you are experiencing tooth pain. It is important to note, clove oil is not recommended to be used by pregnant women. 

Cinnamon: Cinnamon is a powerful anti fungal, making it great for a charcoal toothpaste recipe. Like the other oils, cinnamon can help to prevent or reverse gum disease due to its ability to kill off unwanted bacteria in the mouth. 

Like with all essential oils, be sure to only use a small amount in the charcoal toothpaste recipe. This toothpaste should not be swallowed, only used to brush your teeth. 

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Charcoal Toothpaste Recipe

How to Make a Charcoal Toothpaste Recipe:



  1. Melt the coconut oil over a double boiler.
  2. Once Melted, add coconut oil into a bowl with the remaining ingredients.
  3. Mix until combined and transfer to container of choice.
  4. Allow the mixture to solidify before using.


This charcoal toothpaste recipe is much easier to mix when the coconut oil is melted. If you are in a hurry, you can skip the melting step. 

Activated charcoal will make your teeth look black while you are using the charcoal toothpaste, don’t fret! Rinse your mouth as you normally would and the black residue will go away.

Feel free to omit the essential oil in this recipe if you aren’t comfortable with using it, just know there won’t be much flavor at all. Alternatively you can add a few drops of peppermint extract for added flavor, although its important to note that this will not have the same benefits that peppermint essential oil provides. 

I would omit any essential oils in this recipe if you plan to use it with your young kids. Not ideal, however if this is swallowed by young kids it is not harmful to them – that is the great thing about making your own charcoal toothpaste recipe!

Watch the full video tutorial here!

Charcoal Toothpaste Recipe

Want more DIY recipes you can make at home? Check these out!

DIY Charcoal Face Mask

DIY Laundry Scent Booster

How to Make a Bug Repellent Candle

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DIY Laundry Scent Booster

Using a natural DIY laundry scent booster can be just as effective as the store-bought scent boosters and safe to use in your home. Most people have a desire for their laundry to smell good, I know I do. Many store-bought laundry scent boosters have artificial fragrance and chemicals that are hard to pronounce. These artificial fragrances and chemicals can negatively impact our health. 

Learning to make laundry smell good with essential oil is a game changer. As a replacement for artificial fragrance, making a DIY laundry scent booster using essential oils is the best route to go for clean smelling laundry. 

Some common questions about using a DIY laundry scent booster are…

DIY Laundry Scent Booster

How do you make natural laundry boosters? 

The answer is using 3 simple ingredients: Epsom salt, washing soda, and essential oils. It is really that easy!

How to make laundry scent booster at home:


1 Cup Epsom Salt

1/4 Cup Washing Soda

30 Drops Essential oils


Mix all of the ingredients together and add to an airtight jar, I use these ones. 

Add 1 scoop (about 1/4-1/3 cup depending on the size of your load) on top of the clothes in the washing machine. Add laundry detergent as usual and wash. 

The DIY laundry scent booster will last for about a year. If you would like to make this in bulk, simply double all of the measurements. 

Do you put scent boosters in the washer or dryer?

When using a DIY laundry scent booster, it is best to use it in the washer. Simply put a small scoop of scent booster on top of the clothes in the washer. Follow up by adding your regular laundry detergent, I like this one, and wash as normal. 

DIY Laundry Scent Booster

DIY Laundry Scent Booster with Epsom Salt

You might wonder why there is epsom salt in this recipe. Typically you see epsom salt used in bath products, like this Lavender Rose Bath Soak recipe, however epsom salt is a great addition to a  homemade laundry scent booster. The main benefit of adding epsom salt to a DIY laundry scent booster is how soft it will make your clothes. If you look at the ingredients on fabric softeners, many of them use epsom salt in the ingredients list. 

What is washing soda?

Washing soda, also known as soda ash (sodium carbonate), can be used as a natural cleaner. Although washing soda is a chemical compound, it is not harmful when used in DIY laundry scent boosters. If you do not have washing soda on hand, you can buy some here. Alternatively, you can just use baking soda as a replacement for washing side in laundry scent boosters. 

Essential oils for laundry use

Essential oils are a great addition to any laundry product, especially homemade laundry boosters. Adding a beautiful fragrance to the laundry without any harmful artificial fragrances. Essential oils can leave your clothes naturally scented for days after being washed. If you will be using this DIY laundry scent booster on your kids clothes, just be sure to use a kid-safe essential oil. 

Essential oil blends for laundry

Fresh Scent

Citrus Scent

Sweet Scent

Clean Scent

Floral Scent 

Masculine Scent

Kid-Friendly Essential Oil Blends

DIY Laundry Scent Booster

DIY Laundry Scent Booster


  • Mix ingredients together in a bowl.
  • Transfer mixture to an airtight container, I like to use these jars.
  • Use in washing machine to freshen the smell of your clothes.


  • If you do not have washing soda, you can use baking soda as a 1:1 replacement in this recipe. 
  • This will stay fresh for about a year. As time goes on the essential oil scent might fade a tiny bit, if this does happen you can add a few more drops of essential oil to refresh the scent booster. 

Want to see a video tutorial for DIY laundry scent booster? Check out my Youtube channel below!
DIY Laundry Scent Booster
DIY Laundry Scent Booster

More DIY recipes to make at home:

Natural Homemade Sunscreen Recipe

How to Make Face Serum with SPF

10 DIY Self-Care Products You Can Make at Home

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Natural Homemade Sunscreen Recipe

With summer being in full swing, that means spending a lot of time out in the sun. Although commonly thought to be a bad thing, spending a lot of time in the sun can be very beneficial to our bodies. However, too much time in the sun results in a sunburn, which I am sure we all have experienced a time or two. Learning how to make homemade sunscreen is great for this time of year. The process is quick, there are minimal ingredients, and you can whip up a batch in less than an hour when you are running low. 

How do you make natural sunscreen at home?



  1. Melt the shea butter and coconut oil over a double boiler.
  2. Once melted, turn the heat off and mix in the remaining ingredients.
  3. Allow the DIY homemade sunscreen to sit at room temperature for about an hour until it has fully set. 
  4. Apply as needed.

It is that simple! Now, you might have a few questions about making sunscreen at home. Here are some common questions that most people wonder when making a DIY natural sunscreen recipe.

Natural Homemade Sunscreen Recipe

Tips for avoiding a sunburn

  1. Wear a homemade natural sunscreen (to learn about the toxic ingredients in conventional store-bought sunscreens, keep reading.)
  2. Limit sun exposure to increments of 2 hours at a time before seeking shade, then reentering into the sunshine.
  3. Optional, wear large hats to cover sensitive areas like your face, neck, and shoulders.

Is homemade sunscreen waterproof?

The answer is yes. You might find it odd to add beeswax to a homemade sunscreen recipe but beeswax is the key to making the sunscreen waterproof. If you’ve ever used beeswax on your skin before you will know that it wicks away water, allowing the homemade sunscreen to stay active on your skin even while getting wet. 

It is important to note; that using too much beeswax can cause the homemade natural sunscreen to not set properly. Therefore, following the recipe measurements is important with this one. 

What is Non-Nano Zinc Oxide?

This is essentially the SPF part of the natural sunscreen recipe. According to this article, “Zinc oxide sits on top of your skin (rather than soaking in, as chemical sunscreens do) and protects you by scattering, absorbing, and reflecting the sun’s rays. It can stand alone as a sunblock because it is truly effective against UVA, UVB, and even UVC rays — this is called a “broad-spectrum blocker.” But zinc oxide isn’t just effective at blocking the sun! It’s also good for your skin.”

Another great thing about using non-nano zinc oxide is that it is considered safe for marine animals, whereas nano zinc oxide is not safe for marine animals. To read more about that, check out this study.

Natural Homemade Sunscreen Recipe

Homemade Sunscreen with Essential Oils

I love adding essential oils to almost every homemade recipe. Essential oils add a great fragrance when used in natural sunscreen made at home. If using peppermint essential oil in your DIY natural sunscreen recipe as I did, your skin will feel cool and tingly, in a good way, when using this sunscreen. 

If you want to make this sunscreen a 2-in1 deal, aka, bug repellent and sunscreen, there are some essential oils to repel bugs that you can use. Examples: peppermint, citronella (great for repelling mosquitos), and eucalyptus. To learn more about essential oils that repel bugs, check out my DIY Bug Repellent Lotion Recipe

Here are some essential oils for homemade sunscreen:

The Toxic Ingredients in Conventional Sunscreens

In recent years, some studies have exposed the toxic and harmful ingredients used in common conventional sunscreens. Some of the harmful ingredients include oxybenzone, octinoxate, homosalate, and nanoparticles. Not only are these ingredients harmful when used on our bodies, but they are also harmful to marine animals. When swimming in the ocean specifically, I am sure you have seen your sunscreen leave an oil trail next to where you are in the water. Leaving that trail behind means the marine animals will encounter it, later on, harming them the same way it harms us. 

To read more about the harmful effects of conventional sunscreen, check out this website

If you do end up with a sunburn, check out my Natural Sunburn Relief Cream recipe to help ease the pain and discomfort of a sunburn. 

How to Properly Store Sunscreen

When making a DIY sunscreen recipe with essential oils, it is important to store the sunscreen in a glass container. Essential oils have the capability of breaking down plastic over a long period of time therefore it is better to be safe than sorry and just use glass. Make sure to use a tight lid on whichever glass container you choose.

Glass Containers for Storing Sunscreen:

Glass Bottle with Pump Lid

Wide Mouth Mason Jar

Natural Homemade Sunscreen Recipe

DIY Natural Homemade Sunscreen Recipe



1. Melt the shea butter and coconut oil over a double boiler.

2. Once melted, turn the heat off and whisk in the remaining ingredients.

3. Allow the DIY homemade sunscreen to sit at room temperature for about an hour until it has been fully set. 

4. Store in an airtight glass container and apply as needed.


It is nearly impossible to measure exactly how much SPF this natural homemade sunscreen has, however, it is safe to assume the SPF is around 30, give or take.

This sunscreen is generally safe to be used anywhere you would normally apply sunscreen, like your face. Just be sure to use essential oils that you are not allergic to and be sure to keep the sunscreen out of your eyes. 

Use your best judgment when applying this to your children. I use this on my kids age 6 months and up with no issues. Some kids might have sensitive skin when using essential oils, so feel free to omit that. 

Natural Homemade Sunscreen Recipe

Watch the Youtube Video Tutorial Here!

Check out more of my DIY Natural Recipes Here!

Gentle Baby Soap Recipe

How to Make Antibacterial Hand Soap with Essential Oils

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