How to make a detox bath

Making your own detox bath recipe is a great way to remove toxins from the body. Unfortunately, the world we live in is full of toxins. Although we might not think about it too often, there are tons of toxins in our life every day. To give a few examples, are you wearing polyester or other synthetic clothing? According to this study, polyester has been linked to infertility due to the toxic chemicals in the material.

Detox Bath Recipe
Detox Bath Recipe

Do I Need to Detox?

Our clothing is only one small factor that contributes to toxins in our life. Is your house connected to the city’s tap water? You can go to this website, type in your zip code, and see the literally hundreds of chemicals in your water. Unless you’re using a high-quality water filter, we use this one in our house, you are ingesting these toxic chemicals in your water.

Needless to say, most of us need to detox every now and then considering how many toxins we are exposed to. It is important to note, not everyone is a good candidate for detoxing despite being exposed to chemicals. Pregnant and breastfeeding women as well as young children should not detox.

Best Detox Bath Recipe to Remove Toxins

Detox Bath with Bentonite Clay
Detox Bath with Bentonite Clay


Oatmeal Bath Benefits

The main and most well-known benefit of adding oatmeal to your bath, or in this case to your detox bath recipe, is that oatmeal is very moisturizing. Do you know how babies have the softest skin? That’s what it feels like to get out of an oatmeal bath. Oatmeal baths can also be soothing if you have a skin irritation such as eczema or psoriasis.

Detox Bath Recipe with Bentonite Clay

Bentonite clay is volcanic ash that has become compressed over time. It has a naturally high colloidal value. Bentonite clay works to detox in a unique way as it slowly draws out the toxins in your skin as you soak in a detox bath. You’ll notice this recipe only calls for two teaspoons of bentonite clay. That is because there can be a risk of over-detoxifying your body, which would essentially make you feel worse than before.

Coriander Oil for Detox

Coriander essential oil is derived from the cilantro plant. When cilantro goes to seed, it becomes coriander. Cilantro has many detoxifying benefits, mainly to detox heavy metals in the body. Most tap water contains heavy metals and if you’re not using a high-quality water filter, you are directly drinking heavy metals every day.

DIY Detox Bath
DIY Detox Bath

How to Make a Detox Bath

Ingredients Needed:

1/2 Cup Oatmeal

2 Teaspoons Bentonite Clay

5-7 Drops Coriander Essential Oil


  1. Blend oats into a powder, it does not need to be very fine.
  2. Combine all ingredients; blended oats, bentonite clay, and coriander essential oil.
  3. Start a warm/hot bath and add 1/4 cup of your detox bath recipe to the water. Stir it around until mostly dissolved.


  • The finer you blend the oats the less mess that will be left in your bathtub once you’re done bathing in the detox bath.
  • This recipe only makes 1 detox bath, feel free to double or triple the recipe if you want to keep it on hand for the future.
  • I do not recommend using this if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or a small child.

Watch the YouTube Tutorial Here!

How to Make a Detox Bath | Detox Bath Recipe

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