Face Toner for Glowing Skin

Face toner is very common in the skincare world, Usually coming after face wash to help moisturize the skin. Adding green tea to any skincare routine is beneficial, especially if you’re after glowing skin. 

4 Simple ingredients Used to Make Face Toner for Glowing Skin

Green Tea

Aloe Vera

Vitamin E Oil

Essential Oil

Face Toner for Glowing Skin Benefits

Face Toner Benefits for Acne

Green tea is commonly known to help with acne because it has antibacterial-like properties. According to this site, “Green tea is especially rich in epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a polyphenol that research has shown can improve acne and oily skin.” 

Although there are many reasons why acne pops up, bacteria on the skin, from touching our face with dirty hands or being in an environment with air pollution, etc. is commonly associated with acne. Adding green tea into your daily skincare routine can be beneficial for anyone, especially those who deal with acne. 

Face Toner Benefits for Dry Skin

Another benefit of using a green tea toner is the moisturizing aspect. The combination of green tea, aloe vera, and vitamin E oil in this green tea toner DIY is the perfect recipe for glowing, moisturized skin. 

Dealing with dry skin is common and honestly a little annoying. Peeling skin, dry flakes, itchiness, who wants that? If you don’t add this into your daily skincare regime, Having this face toner for glowing skin on hand in your bathroom or vanity is great for those days you’re extra dry and flaky. 

Aloe Vera for Glowing Skin

Aloe vera can be great at evening out your skin tone. If you deal with uneven skin tone or acne, adding aloe vera into your beauty products can be a game-changer. The key to glowing skin is creating an even skin tone and moisturized skin. By removing the dead skin cells on the surface of your face, aloe vera helps create a glowing complexion. 

Benefits of Vitamin E Skincare

Vitamin E oil is something I use a lot in my homemade skincare products because it has so many benefits. To briefly sum it up, Vitamin E oil can help clear light acne scarring, moisturize dry skin, and help to reduce signs of aging. A little goes a long way when it comes to vitamin E oil since it is so full of antioxidants. 

Essential Oils for Glowing Skin

When diluted properly, essential oils are great to add to most beauty products. I love adding essential oils to my DIY skincare products. My favorite blend for anything skincare is one formulated by Plant Therapy, you can find it here, called ‘soft skin’. This not only smells amazing, but it truly does help my skin feel soft.

Essential Oils to Promote Healthy Skin





Tea Tree


Sweet Orange

Green Tea Face Toner for Glowing Skin

How to Use Face Toner

If you don’t already have face toner in your skincare routine, you should add this one! Face toner has many benefits for our skin as mentioned above. Adding a face toner into a daily skincare routine is easy. Simply, wash your face with your favorite face wash (I use this one when I don’t have time to make my own), and Pat your skin dry with a towel. Spray face toner onto your face (don’t forget to close your eyes!), and allow it to dry completely before moisturizing with a lotion or cream, although a moisturizer is optional since the green tea face toner is already very moisturizing. 

How to Make Face Toner for Glowing Skin at Home:

What You Need


  1. Start by brewing a bag of green tea, I used matcha green tea because that is what I had on hand but any green tea will work. Once your cup of tea is done, allow it to cool completely before starting the rest of the process.
  2. When the cup of tea is cooled, add all of the remaining ingredients into a jar or bowl and mix. 
  3. With everything mixed, add it into a spray bottle (I like these ones).


  • If you have the powdered bright green matcha tea, not in bags, it might change the outcome of this recipe. The matcha green tea I used to make this was in individual bags so I did not have to deal with the powder itself. You can try brewing the matcha as normal and using it or putting the matcha in tea bags to brew. 
  • It is important to use pure aloe vera, many aloe vera gels you typically see in the store are bright green and filled with artificial colors and chemicals. The gel I always use can be bought here, or you can make your own by cutting open the leaf of an aloe vera plant, scraping out the clear gel, and blending it, or using a fork to mix it so it is easier to manage. Aloe vera juice would also work for this recipe.
  • There are many different essential oils you can use in this recipe, just be sure to keep it to 2 drops total no matter which ones you choose to use. Having essential oils diluted properly is important, especially when being used on the skin. 
Green Tea Face Toner for Glowing Skin

Green Tea Face Toner for Glowing Skin


  • Mixing Bowl
  • Spoon
  • Small Spray Bottle


  • 1 Cup Green Tea (See Notes)
  • 1 Tablespoon Pure Aloe Vera (See Notes)
  • 3 Drops Vitamin E Oil
  • 2 Drops Soft Skin Essential Oil (See Notes)


  • Start by brewing a bag of green tea, I used matcha green tea because that is what I had on hand but any green tea will work. Once your cup of tea is done, allow it to cool completely before starting the rest of the process.
  • When the cup of tea is cooled, add all of the remaining ingredients into a jar or bowl and mix. 
  • With everything mixed, add it into a spray bottle (I like these ones).


  • If you have the powdered bright green matcha tea, not in bags, it might change the outcome of this recipe. The matcha green tea I used to make this was in individual bags so I did not have to deal with the powder itself. You can try brewing the matcha as normal and using it or putting the matcha in tea bags to brew. 
  • It is important to use pure aloe vera, many aloe vera gels you typically see in the store are bright green and filled with artificial colors and chemicals. The gel I always use can be bought here, or you can make your own by cutting open the leaf of an aloe vera plant, scraping out the clear gel, and blending it, or using a fork to mix it so it is easier to manage. Aloe vera juice would also work for this recipe.
  • There are many different essential oils you can use in this recipe, just be sure to keep it to 2 drops total no matter which ones you choose to use. Having essential oils diluted properly is important, especially when being used on the skin. 

Check Out the Video Tutorial on How to Make This!

Green Tea Face Toner for Glowing Skin

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Anti-Aging Green Tea Eye Cream

Green Tea Body Scrub Recipe

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