Face Toner for Glowing Skin

Face toner is very common in the skincare world, Usually coming after face wash to help moisturize the skin. Adding green tea to any skincare routine is beneficial, especially if you’re after glowing skin. 

4 Simple ingredients Used to Make Face Toner for Glowing Skin

Green Tea

Aloe Vera

Vitamin E Oil

Essential Oil

Face Toner for Glowing Skin Benefits

Face Toner Benefits for Acne

Green tea is commonly known to help with acne because it has antibacterial-like properties. According to this site, “Green tea is especially rich in epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a polyphenol that research has shown can improve acne and oily skin.” 

Although there are many reasons why acne pops up, bacteria on the skin, from touching our face with dirty hands or being in an environment with air pollution, etc. is commonly associated with acne. Adding green tea into your daily skincare routine can be beneficial for anyone, especially those who deal with acne. 

Face Toner Benefits for Dry Skin

Another benefit of using a green tea toner is the moisturizing aspect. The combination of green tea, aloe vera, and vitamin E oil in this green tea toner DIY is the perfect recipe for glowing, moisturized skin. 

Dealing with dry skin is common and honestly a little annoying. Peeling skin, dry flakes, itchiness, who wants that? If you don’t add this into your daily skincare regime, Having this face toner for glowing skin on hand in your bathroom or vanity is great for those days you’re extra dry and flaky. 

Aloe Vera for Glowing Skin

Aloe vera can be great at evening out your skin tone. If you deal with uneven skin tone or acne, adding aloe vera into your beauty products can be a game-changer. The key to glowing skin is creating an even skin tone and moisturized skin. By removing the dead skin cells on the surface of your face, aloe vera helps create a glowing complexion. 

Benefits of Vitamin E Skincare

Vitamin E oil is something I use a lot in my homemade skincare products because it has so many benefits. To briefly sum it up, Vitamin E oil can help clear light acne scarring, moisturize dry skin, and help to reduce signs of aging. A little goes a long way when it comes to vitamin E oil since it is so full of antioxidants. 

Essential Oils for Glowing Skin

When diluted properly, essential oils are great to add to most beauty products. I love adding essential oils to my DIY skincare products. My favorite blend for anything skincare is one formulated by Plant Therapy, you can find it here, called ‘soft skin’. This not only smells amazing, but it truly does help my skin feel soft.

Essential Oils to Promote Healthy Skin





Tea Tree


Sweet Orange

Green Tea Face Toner for Glowing Skin

How to Use Face Toner

If you don’t already have face toner in your skincare routine, you should add this one! Face toner has many benefits for our skin as mentioned above. Adding a face toner into a daily skincare routine is easy. Simply, wash your face with your favorite face wash (I use this one when I don’t have time to make my own), and Pat your skin dry with a towel. Spray face toner onto your face (don’t forget to close your eyes!), and allow it to dry completely before moisturizing with a lotion or cream, although a moisturizer is optional since the green tea face toner is already very moisturizing. 

How to Make Face Toner for Glowing Skin at Home:

What You Need


  1. Start by brewing a bag of green tea, I used matcha green tea because that is what I had on hand but any green tea will work. Once your cup of tea is done, allow it to cool completely before starting the rest of the process.
  2. When the cup of tea is cooled, add all of the remaining ingredients into a jar or bowl and mix. 
  3. With everything mixed, add it into a spray bottle (I like these ones).


  • If you have the powdered bright green matcha tea, not in bags, it might change the outcome of this recipe. The matcha green tea I used to make this was in individual bags so I did not have to deal with the powder itself. You can try brewing the matcha as normal and using it or putting the matcha in tea bags to brew. 
  • It is important to use pure aloe vera, many aloe vera gels you typically see in the store are bright green and filled with artificial colors and chemicals. The gel I always use can be bought here, or you can make your own by cutting open the leaf of an aloe vera plant, scraping out the clear gel, and blending it, or using a fork to mix it so it is easier to manage. Aloe vera juice would also work for this recipe.
  • There are many different essential oils you can use in this recipe, just be sure to keep it to 2 drops total no matter which ones you choose to use. Having essential oils diluted properly is important, especially when being used on the skin. 
Green Tea Face Toner for Glowing Skin

Green Tea Face Toner for Glowing Skin


  • Mixing Bowl
  • Spoon
  • Small Spray Bottle


  • 1 Cup Green Tea (See Notes)
  • 1 Tablespoon Pure Aloe Vera (See Notes)
  • 3 Drops Vitamin E Oil
  • 2 Drops Soft Skin Essential Oil (See Notes)


  • Start by brewing a bag of green tea, I used matcha green tea because that is what I had on hand but any green tea will work. Once your cup of tea is done, allow it to cool completely before starting the rest of the process.
  • When the cup of tea is cooled, add all of the remaining ingredients into a jar or bowl and mix. 
  • With everything mixed, add it into a spray bottle (I like these ones).


  • If you have the powdered bright green matcha tea, not in bags, it might change the outcome of this recipe. The matcha green tea I used to make this was in individual bags so I did not have to deal with the powder itself. You can try brewing the matcha as normal and using it or putting the matcha in tea bags to brew. 
  • It is important to use pure aloe vera, many aloe vera gels you typically see in the store are bright green and filled with artificial colors and chemicals. The gel I always use can be bought here, or you can make your own by cutting open the leaf of an aloe vera plant, scraping out the clear gel, and blending it, or using a fork to mix it so it is easier to manage. Aloe vera juice would also work for this recipe.
  • There are many different essential oils you can use in this recipe, just be sure to keep it to 2 drops total no matter which ones you choose to use. Having essential oils diluted properly is important, especially when being used on the skin. 

Check Out the Video Tutorial on How to Make This!

Green Tea Face Toner for Glowing Skin

Want More Green Tea Skincare Recipes? Check These Out!

Anti-Aging Green Tea Eye Cream

Green Tea Body Scrub Recipe

This post may contain affiliate links, I may receive commissions for purchases made through these links at no additional cost to you. 

The Best Homemade Anti-Aging Eye Cream

You might associate green tea with a nice warm beverage you drink, however, green tea has many benefits for the skin when used topically. This homemade anti-aging eye cream is nourishing, moisturizing, and great for helping prevent wrinkles.

how do you make homemade anti-aging eye cream?

This DIY eye cream recipe is made using 4 simple ingredients:

Green Tea

Shea Butter

Vitamin E Oil

Almond Oil

Essential Oils (optional)

DIY Anti-Aging Eye Cream for Wrinkles and Dark Circles

what does anti-aging eye cream do?

Homemade eye cream is great because you can control what ingredients go into it. When looking at store-bought eye cream, oftentimes some ingredients are nearly impossible to pronounce. Making your own, like with this anti-aging eye cream recipe, you can probably pronounce everything in it because it is made with natural and pure ingredients. Plus, this is the best and easiest homemade eye cream

The main benefit of green tea in an eye cream is minimizing signs of aging. There are many antioxidants present in green tea, even when used topically. According to this article, “Antioxidants help protect the skin from environmental stressors which can damage (skin) leading to common signs of aging.” 

Another wonderful benefit of incorporating green tea into your daily skincare routine is the vitamin C present. Vitamin C in skincare is great for helping to brighten the skin. 

Overall, anti-aging eye cream is a skincare product you should add to your daily routine because it helps moisturize the skin, brighten under-eye circles, and reduce signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles.

Benefits of Shea Butter on the Skin

Shea butter is an amazing product and has so many benefits for the skin. If you’ve never felt anything made with shea butter before, you’re missing out! Shea butter, once reduced to a liquid state and cooled off back to solid, is creamy like lotion even though it’s just one simple ingredient.

The benefits of shea butter on the skin are it is moisturizing, anti-inflammatory (helpful with reducing skin irritation), and has anti-aging properties.

To read more about the 28 Best Shea Butter Benefits for Skin, Hair, and Health check out this article.

Almond Oil Benefits for Skin

Using almond oil on the skin is great for reducing under-eye puffiness and dark circles. Although you can substitute almond oil for coconut oil in this recipe, almond oil is a great beneficial addition to the anti-aging eye cream recipe.

Vitamin E Oil Under Eyes

Vitamin E oil, when used under the eyes like with my anti-aging green tea under eye cream, can help to lighten dark circles and reduce puffiness due to the anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties of vitamin E oil.

Essential Oils for Dark Circles

This particular recipe does not include essential oils. Although essential oils can be great for helping reduce the appearance of dark circles, being careful with essential oils near the eyes is crucial. If the oils are properly diluted most people would not have a problem adding essential oils into this recipe for anti-aging eye cream however if you are sensitive to essential oils it is best to omit them from this recipe. It is also important to note that if using essential oils, you want to use extra caution to ensure the eye cream does not go in your eye or it may cause a burning sensation. 

If using essential oils in your DIY anti-aging eye cream for wrinkles and dark circles, you want to choose some that have specific anti-inflammatory properties, here are some great ones for dark circles:

anti-aging eye cream

What You Need to Make the Best Homemade Anti-Aging Eye Cream:

1 Cup Shea Butter

1 Packet Green Tea (see notes)

5 Drops Vitamin E Oil

1 Tbsp Sweet Almond Oil

3 Drops Essential Oil of Choice (optional)

How to Make Anti-Aging Eye Cream:

Create a double boiler, this is just a pot of water filled 1/4 of the way full. Let the water come to a boil and set a glass, heat-safe, bowl on top of the pot. 

Add shea butter into the glass bowl, whisking to ensure it melts. 

Once the shea butter is melted, turn off the heat and add the remaining ingredients. Whisk until fully combined. You want to work quickly on this part so the shea butter does not solidify before transferring the mixture into your eye cream container.

When everything is well mixed, transfer the eye cream into whatever air-tight container you have chosen to use. Let it cool for 2-3 hours until fully set. 

You can use this as a part of your nightly skincare routine!

How to Use Under Eye Cream

Once the anti-aging green tea eye cream is fully set, it is ready to be used. I like to wash my face at night before bed, apply the eye cream under my eyes (where my dark circles are), and leave it on until I wash my face again in the morning.

Be sure not to rub your eyes once the cream is on, the ingredients are natural and safe however it’s not comfortable to get anything in your eyes!


I used matcha green tea in my eye cream because that is usually when I have it in my cupboards however what type of green tea you use does not matter, as long as it is green tea without any other teas mixed in. I tested this recipe using brewed green tea and the final product was never set so it is important to use the dried tea inside the packet directly into the eye cream.

If the green tea is a loose-leaf, meaning it hasn’t been ground into a powder, it is best that you grind the tea in a small blender or mortar and pestle, otherwise you will be spreading large chunks of tea onto your face which is no fun!

You will see small flecks of tea in the finished product, even if using a ground green tea powder.

The Best Homemade Anti-Aging Eye Cream with Green Tea

The Best Homemade Anti-Aging Eye Cream


  • Glass Bowl heat safe
  • Large Pot
  • Small Jar
  • Whisk



  • Create a double boiler, this is just a pot of water filled 1/4 of the way full. Let the water come to a boil and set a glass, heat-safe, bowl on top of the pot.
  • Add shea butter into the glass bowl, whisking to ensure it melts.
  • Once the shea butter is melted, turn off the heat and add the remaining ingredients. Whisk until fully combined. You want to work quickly on this part so the shea butter does not solidify before transferring the mixture into your eye cream container.
  • When everything is well mixed, transfer the eye cream into whatever air-tight container you have chosen to use. Let it cool for 2-3 hours until fully set.
  • You can use this as a part of your nightly skincare routine!


I used matcha green tea in my eye cream because that is usually when I have in my cupboards however what type of green tea you use does not matter, as long as it is green tea without any other teas mixed in. I tested this recipe using brewed green tea and the final product was never set so it is important to use the dried tea inside the packet directly into the eye cream. 
If the green tea is a loose-leaf, meaning it hasn’t been ground into a powder, it is best that you grind the tea in a small blender or mortar and pestle, otherwise you will be spreading large chunks of tea onto your face which is no fun!
You will see small flecks of tea in the finished product, even if using a ground green tea powder.
DIY Anti-Aging Eye Cream for Wrinkles and Dark Circles

Want more green tea recipes? Check these out!

Green Tea Body Scrub Recipe

Green Tea Toner for Glowing Skin

This post may contain affiliate links, I may receive commissions for purchases made through these links at no additional cost to you. 

Green Tea Body Scrub Recipe

A body scrub, like this Green Tea Body Scrub, can be a great addition to anyone’s shower. Dead skin can leave you feeling dry, cracked, and the opposite of moisturized. Using a moisturizing sugar scrub in your weekly shower routine can make a difference in rejuvenating your skin naturally. This simple DIY shower scrub is easy to make and offers many benefits to your skin.

How to use a Body Scrub

Using a body scrub is simple and something you can add to your shower routine once or twice a week. The basics are: wash your body, use this DIY green tea body scrub recipe, rinse it off, feel rejuvenated. 

Exfoliating is great, taking off dead skin and feeling moisturized again is amazing. However, it can be a little harsh if you’re doing that every day which is why I recommend only exfoliating once or twice a week, this allows your skin to absorb the moisture, I recommend using a body oil or lotion after your shower, before exfoliating again. 

This recipe is specifically a green tea body scrub for the body. Although this scrub is fine to be used on the body and face, the skin on our face is a lot more sensitive, and using an exfoliator can be harsh.

Benefits of Matcha for Skin

The green tea body scrub recipe can be made using matcha green tea, or regular green tea. I use matcha green tea when making this exfoliator because I love the benefits of matcha for skin!

Matcha can be great for helping the body absorb oil, you can try this after-shower body oil recipe from my blog here, which allows for the skin to stay moisturized. 

Matcha is also known for protecting the skin from UV damage. Although most of us love spending a lot of time out in the sun, that can be damaging to our skin if we spend TOO much time in the sun (no one likes a sunburn, right?). Using this matcha green tea body scrub recipe can help protect your skin from UV damage caused by long sun exposure. 

Benefits of Essential Oils for Skin

This DIY body scrub recipe uses an essential oil blend called Soft Skin, which is curated for doing just that. Soft Skin uses oils such as lemon, lavender, frankincense, and more. 

According to the Plant Therapy description of this essential oil, “Soft Skin Essential Oil Blend was created to give your thirsty skin some extra help! The essential oils in this blend were specially chosen to help counteract dry skin and to prevent the look of fine lines while supporting and rejuvenating the look of mature skin.” 

Many essential oils are packed with vitamin C since they are derived directly from plants. The use of vitamin C on your skin, like with a body scrub, helps reduce signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles and improves the elasticity of our skin which is how we get that ‘glowing’ look.

Essential Oil Combinations

There are many different essential oil blends you can make to use in this recipe if you don’t have the soft skin essential oil I used.

The most similar blend to the one I used would be:

Another great blend of essential oils is:

You can find a video tutorial for this recipe on my YouTube channel HERE!

Green Tea Scrub for Body


  • Mixing Bowl
  • Spoon
  • Measuring Cups



  • Cut open green tea packets and put the contents of the packet into the bowl
  • Combine the sugar, green tea, dried jasmine, and 10 drops of soft skin essential oil in the bowl
  • Add in the sweet almond oil
  • Using your spoon, mix until well combined. The mixture should be coated completely with the sweet almond oil, leaving no dry sugar
  • Store in an airtight container that can get wet in the shower


I used matcha green tea packets that are meant for making a cup of tea, you could also use matcha green tea powder (use 3 teaspoons) if you have any on hand. If you don’t have matcha green tea, using normal green tea packets or loose tea would work just the same. Using tea packets or a tea powder works better than loose leaf tea because it has already been ground down to dust. If using a loose leaf tea that has larger pieces, you might want to grind it down first to ensure it will not get stuck in your shower drain. 

You can purchase the exact essential oil, soft skin by plant therapy, at this link here. If you do not want to buy this specific oil you can create a blend of rose, lavender, frankincense, and lemon. Although, This oil has a few more unique oils in the blend however the ones I just listed are more common oils that you might already have on hand. 

When using dried jasmine be sure to break the flowers apart in your hand before adding them to the bowl so once again, they will not get stuck in your shower drain. Using dried flowers is optional however I do love the added scent with this particular recipe. 


Green Tea Body Scrub Recipe

Exfoliating and Rejuvenating Body Scrub


  • Mixing Bowl
  • Spoon
  • Measuring Cups



  • Cut open green tea packets and put the contents of the packet into the bowl
  • Combine the sugar, green tea, dried jasmine, and 10 drops of soft skin essential oil in the bowl
  • Add in the sweet almond oil
  • Using your spoon, mix until well combined. You want the mixture to be coated completely with the sweet almond oil, leaving no dry sugar
  • Store in an airtight container that can get wet in the shower


I used matcha green tea packets that are meant for making a cup of tea, you could also use matcha green tea powder (use 3 teaspoons) if you have any on hand. If you don’t have matcha green tea, using normal green tea packets or loose tea would work just the same. Using tea packets or a tea powder works better than loose leaf tea because it has already been ground down to dust. If using a loose leaf tea that has larger pieces, you might want to grind it down first to ensure it will not get stuck in your shower drain. 
You can purchase the exact essential oil, soft skin by plant therapy, at this link here. If you do not want to buy this specific oil you can create a blend of rose, lavender, frankincense, and lemon. This oil has a few more unique oils in the blend however the ones I just listed are more common oils that you might already have on hand. 
When using dried jasmine be sure to break the flowers apart in your hand before adding them to the bowl so once again, they will not get stuck in your shower drain. Using dried flowers is optional however I do love the added scent with this particular recipe. 
Matcha Green Tea Body Scrub

A quick video tutorial on how I made this

Green Tea Body Scrub

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This post may contain affiliate links, I may receive commissions for purchases made through these links at no additional cost to you. 

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