Same-Day Sourdough Bread

In the rich tapestry of baking traditions, sourdough stands out as an ancient art form, revered for its complexity of flavor, chewy texture, and the patience it demands. The time-honored methods of crafting sourdough often involve lengthy fermentation periods, making it a labor of love for many bakers. However, the demands of modern life sometimes necessitate a quicker route to that tangy, aromatic loaf. In this extensive guide, we will delve deep into the intricate world of same-day sourdough bread, exploring techniques and tips to create a delicious artisanal bread on a shortened timeline without compromising quality.

In this comprehensive guide, we will embark on a journey to demystify the process of crafting same-day sourdough bread, allowing you to enjoy the wholesome goodness of homemade sourdough without the extended waiting times. From understanding the basics of sourdough fermentation to mastering the art of quick fermentation, we’ll cover every aspect of the same-day sourdough baking process.

Understanding Sourdough Fermentation

Recently Fed Sourdough Starter

Before diving into the same-day sourdough bread adventure, it’s crucial to grasp the fundamentals of sourdough fermentation. At its core, sourdough relies on wild yeast and lactic acid bacteria to leaven the dough and develop its characteristic tangy flavor. The longer the fermentation, the more complex and nuanced the flavor becomes. This method is also used to ferment the grains which can typically be hard to digest when not fermented.

Traditional sourdough recipes often involve an overnight or even multi-day fermentation process, allowing the wild yeast and bacteria to work their magic. However, same-day sourdough bread employs a few clever techniques to expedite this process without sacrificing flavor or nutrients. Of course, the longer you ferment the dough the more nutrients you are adding into it, or the more anti-nutrients you’re taking out of it.

The Quick Fermentation Approach

The key to same-day sourdough lies in accelerating the fermentation process. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how to achieve that:

  1. Active Starter: Feed your sourdough starter very early in the morning, ideally around 6-7am of the morning you are wishing to bake. Keep it in a warm place for at least 3 hours, I like to turn my oven light on and put the starter in there to stay warm. You could also feed it the day before if you remember but either way, ensure that your starter has been recently fed and is at its peak activity. A lively starter is essential for kick starting the fermentation process.
  2. Warmer Environment: Maintain a slightly warmer environment for your dough to foster quicker fermentation. This can be achieved by placing the dough in a slightly warmer room or using your oven light.
  3. Increased Starter Percentage: Adjust the ratio of sourdough starter to flour in your recipe. A higher percentage of starter introduces more active yeast and bacteria into the mix, expediting fermentation.
  4. Autolyse Technique: Allow the flour and water to hydrate and rest before incorporating the starter. This autolyse technique improves dough extensibility and jumpstarts enzymatic activity, contributing to faster fermentation.
  5. Fold and Stretch: Incorporate a series of gentle folds and stretches during the bulk fermentation phase. This helps redistribute yeast, strengthen gluten, and enhances overall dough structure.

Same-Day Sourdough Bread Recipe

Sourdough bread made in one day

Now, let’s explore a basic same-day sourdough recipe to put these principles into practice:


  • 500g bread flour
  • 300g water
  • 100g active sourdough starter
  • 10g salt


  1. Begin: Mix flour, 250g of water (room temperature, not cold), and starter in a bowl. The dough might seem shaggy but it will rest and come together, trust me. Let it sit in a comfortable temperature for about 30 minutes.
  2. Incorporate Water and Salt: Pour the remaining water on to the dough along with the salt. Using your hand squeeze the water and salt into the dough to incorporate. Allow this to rest for another 15-30 minutes.
  3. Stretch + Fold: Once the dough has rested, Perform a series of 3 gentle stretch and folds every 15-20 minutes. This looks like: stretch + fold, wait 15 minutes, stretch + fold, wait 15 minutes, last stretch + fold.
  4. Bulk Fermentation: Allow the dough to rest in a warm place for 3-4 hours.
  5. Shape and Proof (1-2 hours): After the dough has risen, shape the dough into its final form and let it proof until visibly increased in size. If using a banneton basket, allow the dough to rise in the basket. If you don’t have a banneton basket, line a large bowl with parchment paper and place the dough in there. Either way, get a kitchen towel wet with warm water and squeeze out the excess. Use this warm/wet towel to cover your bowl during the rising process. This keeps the dough from forming a hard shell on the outside while it is fermenting.
  6. Bake: Preheat your oven with the dutch oven in it. While baking the same-day sourdough at 450°F (230°C) for 25 minutes in a cast iron dutch oven with the lid on, remove the lid, bake for another 20 minutes with the lid off, or until golden brown, add a small pan filled with water into the bottom rack of the oven. This steam will help make a softer bread once done baking.

Mastering the art of same-day sourdough bread requires a balance of science, technique, and a dash of intuition. By understanding the principles of sourdough fermentation and implementing specific strategies to expedite the process, you can enjoy the satisfaction of baking a delicious loaf in a fraction of the time.

Same-Day Sourdough Bread on Pinterest

Same-Day Sourdough

Experiment with different flour types, hydration levels, and fermentation temperatures to tailor the same-day sourdough experience to your preferences. Whether you’re a seasoned baker or a novice in the world of sourdough, this guide provides a solid foundation for incorporating same-day sourdough bread into your repertoire, allowing you to savor the delights of homemade artisan bread without the lengthy wait.

Want more sourdough recipes? Check these out!

3 Easy Sourdough Discard Recipes

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