Same Day Sourdough Dinner Rolls

Sourdough bread has a rich history dating back centuries, cherished for its tangy flavor, chewy texture, and rustic charm. While traditional sourdough recipes often require days of fermentation and patience, we’re here to unveil a same-day shortcut that delivers all the sourdough goodness without the wait. With a handful of simple ingredients and a bit of time, you can create a batch of heavenly Same Day Sourdough Dinner Rolls that will elevate any meal. Join us on this culinary journey as we dive into the art of sourdough baking and discover the magic of freshly baked bread in just a few hours.

Gather Your Ingredients

Step 1: Let’s start by rounding up the essentials for our sourdough dinner rolls:

Sourdough Dinner Rolls in a few hours!

Step 2: Prepare Your Sourdough Starter – A thriving sourdough starter is the heartbeat of any sourdough recipe. If your starter has been resting in the fridge, it’s time to awaken its dormant yeasts and bacteria. Begin by removing your starter from the refrigerator and allowing it to come to room temperature. Once it’s ready, give it a hearty feeding with equal parts flour and water, stirring until it’s lively and bubbling with activity. (This should be done the night before baking).

Step 3: Heat a small sauce pan on the stove and add in your butter. Allow the butter to melt completely before taking it off the heat and adding in your cold milk. This will bring the butter temperature down so it will not scold and kill the sourdough starter in your dough. Once the milk and butter mixture is warm but not hot, add it into your stand mixer along with the remaining ingredients.

Same Day Sourdough Dinner Rolls

Step 4: Knead the Dough – Turn your stand mixer on low and get ready to embark on a transformative journey through kneading. Let the dough to knead for a duration of 5 to 7 minutes, allowing its structure to strengthen and its texture to evolve into a supple, elastic marvel.

Step 5: Let it Rise – Leave your kneaded dough in its cozy bowl abode, covering it with a clean kitchen towel to shield it from the outside world. Give it ample time to rest and rise, about 3-4 hours in a warm place (I always turn my oven light on and set the dough in there).

Step 6: Shape Your Rolls – As your dough swells with life, gently coax it onto your countertop, ready to be shaped into individual rolls. With practiced hands, divide the dough into 9 equal portions, each destined to become a fluffy masterpiece. Roll, tuck, and pinch until each piece forms a smooth orb of potential, arranging them with care on a parchment-lined or greased baking pan.

Step 7: Let Them Rise Again – Cover your shaped rolls with a veil of patience, granting them another opportunity to rise and expand. Under the watchful eye of your kitchen towel guardian, allow the rolls to bask in the warmth of anticipation for an additional 2 to 3 hours, until they swell with pride, eager to greet the oven’s embrace.

Same-Day Sourdough Dinner Rolls

Step 8: Bake to Perfection – Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C), the stage set for the grand finale of your sourdough symphony. Slide the baking pan into the preheated oven, where the alchemy of heat and time will transform your humble dough into golden-brown wonders. After 25 to 30 minutes of patient waiting, the rolls emerge, fragrant and triumphant, ready to grace your table with their warm, inviting presence. With a tender brushstroke, anoint the risen rolls with a coat of melted butter, bestowing upon them a golden crown of indulgence.

Step 9: Enjoy! With bated breath and eager hands, transfer the freshly baked rolls to a waiting platter, their golden exteriors whispering promises of tender crumb within. Gather loved ones around the table, their anticipation mirrored in your own, as you break bread together, savoring the fruits of your labor. Whether paired with a hearty stew, adorned with a dollop of butter, or savored on their own, these Same Day Sourdough Dinner Rolls are a testament to the joy of homemade baking, a reminder that with a little time and ingenuity, culinary magic is always within reach.

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In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it’s easy to overlook the simple pleasures that await us in the kitchen. Yet, with a handful of flour, a dollop of sourdough starter, and a touch of patience, we can create something truly extraordinary. These Same Day Sourdough Dinner Rolls are more than just bread—they’re a testament to the transformative power of homemade baking, a reminder that the best things in life are worth waiting for, even if it’s just for a few hours. So, roll up your sleeves, preheat your oven, and let the aroma of freshly baked bread fill your home, as you embark on a culinary journey that’s as rewarding as it is delicious.


Same Day Sourdough Dinner Rolls


  • 3 cups stone ground flour
  • ½ cup active bubbly sourdough starter
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • ½ stick of butter melted
  • cup whole milk
  • 1 egg


  • Start by feeding your sourdough starter the night before, ensuring it is active and bubbly.
  • Heat a small sauce pan on the stove and add in your butter. Allow the butter to melt completely before taking it off the heat and adding in your cold milk. This will bring the butter temperature down so it will not scold and kill the sourdough starter in your dough.
  • Once the milk and butter mixture is warm but not hot, add it into your stand mixer along with the remaining ingredients.
  • When the ingredients are incorporated in the mixer, allow it to knead on low for 5-7 minutes.
  • Place a clean towel over the bowl and allow the dough to rise in a warm place for 3-4 hours.
  • After the bulk rise is done, shape the dough into 9 equal sized balls and place into a greased baking pan. Place a towel over the rolls and allow them to rise for another 2-3 hours.
  • Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F and bake the rolls for 25 to 30 minutes, ensuring the tops are golden brown.
  • Once the rolls are golden, take them out of the oven and immediately brush the top with melted butter.

More Sourdough Recipes:

Overnight Sourdough Biscuits Without Baking Powder

Same-Day Sourdough Bread

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